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Comment Re: Not a problem (Score 1) 141

I was wondering if the code he will produce is just going to be like 600,000 lines of copy pasted code from random open source projects with a bunch of random junk thrown in to make it look like he did work?

My faith in humanity is that he probably did do a bunch of work and will release it but it's probably far from a finished product. So either way not much good will come of this?

I guess a 3rd possibility is that he did get a lot of it done and is close to being finished but just doesn't have the energy for that final push to give birth... So maybe the code could be finished in some sort of open source fashion and everyone will win?

Comment Re: A particular skill of Americans (Score 1) 141

USA, Russia, Pakistan, India, China, Nigeria, pretty much where there exists people and money... My theory is that some people are greedy lazy assholes... regardless of race country or religion. But he some people would rather point at country X and say "Those people are scum!" As if by extension suddenly the country they live in is the epitome of purity.

Comment Re:Wait... (Score 2) 110

Yeah I imagine this is pretty much the case, once you get out of the trenches so to speak it's just a numbers game and at that point reality just sort of flies out the window. I remember in training (was very thorough and great training) all the great things we could do to help customers and "Be the reason" all that flies out the window once your on the floor in production. After you hit the floor it's literally about keeping the customer on the phone as long as possible (sub contractor phone tech support so time is money...) and hitting all the steps in the flow even if you know they just need to plug the damn VGA cable in... I literally got a write up for helping a customer reinstall the graphics driver VS reformatting the machine and starting from scratch. My solution saved the customers data, but that didn't matter because I deviated from the script... So happy I am no longer in that field.

Comment Re:Wait... (Score 1) 110

Honestly most of the time I get the feeling it's not the engineer's at fault for most issues (although some clever "solutions..." uggh but I digress.) most of the time there is a list of requirements and in that list is "Do A-Z with cost under what A-Z could reliably be done with, also do it all in a time scale that is either impossible or just unrealistic"

I worked for Dell doing L2 tech support and yeah it was good times... (Vista was launching during that period of time and Vista ready was a hilarious joke.) a running gag at the call center was pointing at the worst PC's we could find and saying "Of course it's Vista ready!"

From the rumor mill at the time the engineer's had running battles with management about what qualified as "Vista ready" with them wanting the machines to meet a minimum "performance rating" and management just going "but it runs? that means it's ready right?"

Comment Re:Funny thing (Score 4, Interesting) 108

I used to be a huge "pirate" but that I would download movies all the time, in the last 6 months I have probably downloaded like 4 movies all of them stuff so old that legit they should be free by now or at least able to be streamed from one of the gob of services I pay for...

Anyway what changed my habits was Netflix, Amazon Prime, Youtube, Roku channel and Direct TV Now. Between those options if I can't find something to watch that would say more about me than the content... As a "pirate" I don't mind buying my content if it has some sort of benefit to me like ease of access or choices, hell I will even endure ads if I must... (sometimes I enjoy those too... sometimes lol)

Love streaming my movies and TV.

Comment Re:If Netflix (Score 2) 93

I agree.... 3rd party theme's would be awesome on Netflix also maybe 3rd party category tools/filters so you could install "Action Movie Extreme!!!" as a category and "Happy Halloween Super Slasher Flicks!!!"

The theme thing would be nice if I could just get a simple hack to disable that one "feature", and it's not about data usage for me. Although I have heard people complaining that it chews up data unnecessarily, so if your on a phone or your ISP has data caps it can cost money.

Give people a little of what they want and at a decent price is the best way to prevent piracy. Also listening to your customers is business 101 :(

Comment Re:If Netflix (Score 1) 93

I hear you.... Netflix should be more configurable to what the user wants... What you said has gotten worse lately too, I mean it's always been kind of annoying in that respect but less and less of what I would watch shows up and then I en up digging for an hour looking for something to watch and then I get smacked in the face with my complaint :(

Comment Re:If Netflix (Score 4, Insightful) 93

About to cancel my subscription to Netflix and probably not for the reason or reasons most would...

It's that damned auto play preview music and video clip every show plays if you move just so much as look at a picture for a moment...

For like the first 10 minutes I thought it was cool, then I got mildly annoyed with it, then I looked for a way to turn it off.. Now I signed up for Direct TV Now and Amazon and maybe I will switch to Hulu... But really Netflix needs to have that optional.

Comment Re:3Mbps is required for Netflix (Score 1) 203

I have 200Mbps down and 40Mbps up, and in spite of that at times Netflix gets a hiccup now and then. Not often mind you but it can still happen, usually around 5PM to 7PM If it's going to happen.

About the only things a person can do on their end to improve things is getting your own modem and router, a good quality home network will make sure your getting as much bandwidth as you can out of the wall. (I have a 320Mbps Motorola cable modem and a Linksys EA7500 not the best stuff but it's leaps and bounds better than the stuff my ISP would try to give me.)

Also make sure you don't have 18 devices on that 3Mbps connection... Updates and random checks for the weather and and and will suck up that 3Mbps pretty quick.

At that speed you might go into your Netflix settings and change it to 480P :(

Comment Walmart has seen the writing on the wall...mart? (Score 1) 35

I cannot count the number of things I have bought online at Newegg and Amazon and Aliexpress and a few other places. I have never bought anything online from Walmart and just don't feel the need too. The prices are usually better someplace else and Walmart already gets enough of my money when I go shopping as it is. Although lately I have been trying to shop almost anywhere else but Walmart, I just hate doing all my shopping and then seeing 40 registers and 3 of them (at most) open and like 10 people in front of me at each register.. Tell me your not making enough money to pay a couple of more people the small wages they pay to open a few more registers. I love computers (shop at Newegg,com should be a clue) but I hate the self check out lanes unless I have like 3 items or less (then they are awesome, love them, but try using them when you have like 40 items in your cart... they suck.)

Comment Re:but... but... but... (Score 1) 59

I am regret... I built my skylake system shortly before Ryzen came out Skylake has its own bugs to add to these new ones.... But it will last me a while longer I plan on building a Ryzen 2 system when those launch. Will be the first AMD build for me although I have owned some AMD machines on the side my own personal rigs have always been Intel and I have been building since the P3 days. It was mostly a good run minus the whole Pentium 4 stuff but I can put up with slightly lower performance the show stopping bugs? Not so much and it feels like AMD is doing better than Intel right now at that.

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