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Comment Re:This actually sounds reasonable. (Score 1) 221

Around here its impossible to find a blank VHS. My whole point is all of this will not matter to Microsoft they will just move on. I am one that has Vista I do hate it thats why I have moved onto the Win7 RC much better of a product then Vista. XP 64 seemed like an after thought and doesn't run well for me. Guess we will see where Russia takes all of this in then end.

Comment Re:This actually sounds reasonable. (Score 2, Insightful) 221

I see that myself and I don't get why. People liked VHS videos but I don't see people and countries sueing Sony or other makers of them to keep them going when there is newer products out there. All I see these lawsuits and probes are just ways to find something to get money off a huge company and make them look good to some person that doesn't get what it takes to move business along. All companies out there will cut off a product at some point and move on.

Comment Re:90% of WHAT market??? (Score 1) 182

Yes servers are SOLD with Windows installed giving them the numbers. Sales can be backed up by number when leaving a place. Installs are only backed up by peoples words. I say this cause I 80% of my job is knowing what is running in my company and show those figures to the people on the boards everything has to be in black and white for those people. Gives me a headache.

Comment Re:Clearly full of spy tools. (Score 1) 218

Those are the questions that the American Media does not want you to ask or know. Their original countries do not want them back cause guess what they are considered terrorist in their home lands or unable to conform to the way the country has changed and their home country helped put them where they are. That would be my only guess on why they would have to "Wait for asylum" If they did nothing wrong then they would be welcome back home no questions asked. If you have to wait for asylum then something is wrong and that brings up a red flag..

Comment Ok (Score 1) 567

Hhmm ok I'm just going to say how I feel here, anyone that compares anything to Hitler to make their point needs to be kicked in the head a few times. Due to the reason comparing anything to Hitler and what was done during that time of a monstrous horror it just a cry to make them look good and claim they where not doing anything wrong. They where abusing the system that was out there, so Wikipedia put an end to it.

Comment Re:Video!!! (Score 1) 190

I dont know if I will upgrade. I'm in the same boat as you I travel a lot and use my PSP as a movie player. I also have custom firmware on it cause Im not going to carry six or how every many UMDs with me I buy my games then rip them myself. Its easier to carry an extra battery and memory stick then the UMDs. If there is a way for me to transport my current UMDs games/movies and its not a bad price I might move on since its smaller design makes it a nicer item for my carry on for planes.

Comment Re:SSD analyzed according to OS (Score 1) 248

See your missing the point the writer doesn't want you to think there is anything else out there that can run a SSD. I would like to see the results of all these OS on the same SSD myself to see how well the SSD holds up. Another thing that bothers me is that they are benchmarking a RC OS against a OS that has had three service packs and time to mature. But hey I guess the writer of this story or any other benchmark test doesn't want me to think of that.

Comment Re:"Fresh new light" (Score 1) 248

Its sad to say TONS of the anti-virus stuff out there cripples windows machines. To me the Anti-virus makers should be considered the biggest bloated software putting out crap that takes a good running machine to nothing and call it new features. I know I'm going to get a reply saying Microsoft is a bigger bloated item than anything but if you read above then you will get it.

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 248

I know what you are talking about. I have built my own machine for a very long time. The reason my new one wont work for XP64 is its a laptop that I bought because I now travel and I really cant lug a big box and screen with me everywhere. I still dual boot the machine with XP, I should start messing with it more to see if i can get XP64 to work now that more drivers are out. Back to the subject tho I do have to agree with you 90% of my clients like XP and will be sticking with it. It goes under my saying, if it works don't change it don't even mess with it. As for Ballmer I think he is on too many happy pills and Bill needs to come back.

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