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Comment Re:He needs to broaden his mind (Score 1) 713

Your comment makes no sense.

Why can he claim that Homeopathy is worthless, because the various tests prove it is.

>>>It is said about Homeopathy that it works on a subtle level

And what 'exactly' is that subtle level?

>>>I doubt the author is an expert in subtle, subliminal or realms other than just the sense to claim that homeopathy or other such things are worthless.

Which means what?

Comment Re:We already knew this (Score 1) 713

As to your comment of 'So what? Anybody with half a brain already knew that alternative medicine is a scam.', there are billions of people that are gullible. That is precisely what the book is trying to do. Educate them, and protect them.

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Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
