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Comment Re:Who cares? (Score 1) 383

They're acting like a bunch of whiny cheap-asses who would be willing to spend FAR more money fighting fine-print support bullshit in court than they would simply upgrading their hardware.

Some companies run multi-million dollar hardware/software to control their factory machines. An upgrade will have a multi-million price tag.

And what OS are they going to update too? Windows 10??

Operator to foreman: "The reason we're all sitting around on our thumbs, sir, is the Windows 10 controller PC is doing updates. Might be another hour or so."

Comment You need zenstates (Score 4, Informative) 105

How can I tell if the bug that was crashing Ryzen processors at idle has been fixed?

In 4,15, Ryzen users had to put in a boot option


(this case for 8 cores =0-11 for a six core...)

I had this problem too and the rcu_nocbs=0-15 didn't fix entirely the problem. You need zenstates to turn off the C6 power saving state.
Here's the systemd unit file:

Description=Turn off power saving C6 state

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /usr/local/src/ZenStates-Linux-master/zenstates.py --c6-disable


Comment Re:AMD has always been better (Score 1) 136

And that's the point. if you don't care how much money you spend, then Intel is better. But if you would like to save 50% (or more) on the price and still get ~90% of the performance, then you go with AMD.

Yes, Intel was faster (not better) at the cost of the Meltdown vulnerability. Patch that vulnerability and Intel is no longer faster (perhaps slower) than AMD.

Comment Re:They are (Score 4, Insightful) 180

Honestly, the area of the market they need to develop is the integrated home PC.

A modular system, wired into the home that enables 3rd parties to develop home technologies. I don't need every device in my home to be connected to the internet - I need them to connect to my home system and be managed locally. My PC should be my home's cloud and every "smart device" should just be a control board & dumb display that get fed data from applications/services running on the PC.

The trouble is that those vendors are not going to give you what you want. As vendors, they need to harvest your data. They also need to have a backdoor into your device for reason... Therefore your device needs to connect back to the mothership.


and a push towards more intelligent machines with AI and machine learning integration

This makes me nervous. Will this serve me or the vendor?

Comment Re:SSDs (Score 1) 114

I herd SSDs are silent and mostly immune to vibration.

How can you herd them if they are silent?

Just gather them up in a coral. A sheep dog can help with that.

That won't work either. All the coral is dying.

Really? What color? Blue, I hope. I have a bolt of cotton cloth I'd like dyed blue.
How do I contact the coral?

Comment Re:If it doesn't exist? (Score 1) 287

What if they aren't on any social media? I'm a naturalized US citizen and not on any.

Exactly. Why do governments assume that people can't live without a social media account just like they can't live without a vital body part (like a heart).

Also, why is the US government taking applications for credit cards?

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