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Comment Ok, but at what level? (Score 1) 250

If I'm an IT professional for a company and I install Windows Server, apply all the patches and this is the box holding all the corporate data including customer information and it gets compromised which IT professional is being held responsible?

Me? Because I installed and maintained the system? Even though I have applied every patch and update Microsoft has provided?

Someone at Microsoft that programmed the particular piece of the OS that was exploited?

The person that programmed the library that the programmer at Microsoft used when they programmed their particular piece of the OS that was exploited?

How far up the chain are we looking to place blame? Should I be blamed because Microsoft used a library from another party that was exploited? Should the programmer at Microsoft be blamed because they used a third party library that could be exploited? Should the author of the library be blamed because it was their library that caused the exploit? What if they weren't the original author of the library and took it over from someone else or forked it?

Comment So far it is disappointing (Score 0) 113

Ewan McGregor is excellent in it. But other than that it is terrible.

Little Leia running away from her kidnappers in the forest is comically bad and the actress playing Reva is permanently on her period or something.

After watching the first two episodes I actually felt bad for Ewan and what this might do to his career.

Comment Re:Weird wording... (Score 2) 64

Gas prices shooting up they way they have are just expediting the exit of drivers.

I've stopped driving for them after having delivered for UberEats part-time on weekends for a little extra cash for about 3 years now. Current gas prices make it more economically sensible for me to sit on my couch at home and watch tv now on Friday and Saturday nights.

Comment Re:riding a dead horse ? (Score 1) 197

Same. I was looking forward to Capaldi as the Doctor but he mumbled every damn line I couldn't figure out what he was trying to say. And the story lines were BORING.

Then Whittaker was cast and while I could at least understand her, her story lines were boring as well and the cast companions were all complete duds. I stopped watching about 3/4 of the way through her first season.

I'm hoping with this new Doctor they can bring it back to where it was with Tennent and Smith.

Comment Re:Priorities (Score 1) 98

Also, bear in mind that, once the satellites are in their target orbit, they should be almost invisible. And when they are visible, it is at dusk and dawn.

Also, bear in mind, that if we allow companies to continue pollute our sky with metallic objects that reflect light eventually all we are going to be able to see are those metallic objects reflecting light.

Comment Re:Not because of social media ... (Score 1) 136

Same here.

I was an avid reader in my teens and early 20s. Then came the World Wide Web and everything changed for me. Long before social media was even a thing I was digesting information in byte sizes. I went from reading novels and textbooks to quickly reading headlines, comments, and other short posts.

I'm trying to get back into reading books. I still buy them and they sit on my bookshelves waiting to be opened but I find I'll start one and before I get even halfway through I've moved onto another book and the cycle repeats itself.

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