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Comment Re:Thank god he's gone from Oracle (Score 1) 337

I won't say that tiobe has a very good method for getting their statistics...

How can you say that Java has no vulnerabilities? They've had a number of critical security updates which you hopefully didn't miss. You might want to read up on that .net cryptographic attack. The outcomes of it were that you could edit encrypted cookies and download any file in a sites directory and as you know, only a fool would trust the client and sites are supposed to serve files so also, only a fool would put critical information in any of those files in plaintext.

Those trendy features do save time and money. Or do you get paid by the line when you code?

Comment Re:The circle is now complete! (Score 1) 363

... and now, Firefox wins in their test! (which has yet to be disassembled to reveal how they dodge Opera and Chrome from winning, when they use to in all others, including independent tests like Peacekeeper)

I'm guessing from the number of crypto and imaging components that this is related to their recent JS math optimizations.

The only decent benchmark I've ever seen for browsers is something someone made which simply loaded local copies of sites like facebook to show how fast the browser really is at true "realistic workloads".

Comment Re:Sounds to me... (Score 1) 1067

It always amazes me when reading Slashdot, which is so against software patents, that I see "Apple hasn't created anything" or "Apple stole everything they've ever made" statements time and time again. Can you imagine a world where we didn't use past ideas to further current ones?

To put it in a car analogy, think if the first person to build one had said to themselves, "Damn, if only I'd thought of the wheel!" Of course we'd have hover-cars so it wouldn't be so bad.

Comment Re:Yay for Google (Score 1) 385

From the iron website

... it also gets critic from data protection specialists , for reasons such as creating a unique user ID ...

So there is something to be genuinely concerned about. I'm not sure if you can turn this off or not in chrome and really, it probably doesn't matter anyway since there are other ways to track you such as this one. But that unique id makes it very easy for google and its partners to track you and hence bug you with ads.

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Real Programs don't use shared text. Otherwise, how can they use functions for scratch space after they are finished calling them?
