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Comment Re: Virtue signaling douche bags (Score 1) 517

Your post getting voted down to minus figures is not "censorship", it's just an indication that the majority of people voting on your comment think you're talking shit and rate your comment accordingly.

Also keep in mind forums are privately owned, and much like people have the right to kick you out of a restaurant if you start saying abusive things, they also don't have to tolerate you saying abusive things on the forum they have allowed you to register on. You're essentially a guest, given the privilege of participating in a community, and that privilege can be revoked for whatever reason its owners like.
Free speech means you can express your opinions in a public place without getting thrown in jail for dissent against the government.

You don't see silencing from right wingers? Rule VI on the Trump-Supporters-Only Safe Space wants a word:

Comment Glad I got off the apple cart (Score 1) 116

Give it a couple of years of Apple pretending the issue doesn't exist, a class action lawsuit, eventually they'll be forced to acknowledge it and refund repair costs. But none of it is without a fight and without paying for the repair in the short term.

Seen it over and over and over again now. Thanks but no thanks.

Comment Amazon Logistics? (Score 1) 239

They already did this in the UK about 6 months ago, replacing the existing couriers with Amazon Logistics. Which incidentally, is a plain white van, here anyway.

Where before you could track your package and get told within an hour when it'd turn up and get regular updates (unless it was a cheap item which they sent via Royal Mail), now you're told on the day that it's out for delivery and that's the extent of the "tracking". It can turn up any time that day. Be careful what you wish for, as I find this a step backwards. They're also more strict in my experience - if you get something like a mobile phone, they insist that YOU are there in person with ID. So that means you have to get a day off work to wait for it and can't just have your family member who's already at home receive it, or if you get it delivered to work they have to track you down (so in places like mine where you could be anywhere in the factory and they have to wait for you to respond to a call out, they'll be less inclined to continue allowing personal deliveries)

I can only go by the UK version of course, the US policies and systems could be completely different.

On the plus side, you tend to know audibly when your package has turned up. Obviously a carrier is a carrier, they all do much the same thing, but there is something unique about the exact noise of the sliding van door, the amount of time they seem to need to rummage around looking for your package, and the "bleep!" of the barcode scan they do just before they ring the bell. It wouldn't surprise me if they trademarked the "Amazon Delivery Noise Pattern" :)

Comment The irony (Score 1) 196

I was just recently researching Dell XPS laptops which are notorious for this, and some of my thoughts were "That's why you pay more for Apple hardware I suppose, they'd never let anything with coil whine out of the door"

Oh the times they are a changin'. That's why I don't buy their stuff any more, you're no longer paying more for better quality (which IMO I genuinely think used to be true, for a little while). You're paying more for the same old crap as everything else. Back to paying normal prices for the same old crap instead, thanks!

Comment Re:Another way to get people to buy new phones (Score 4, Insightful) 204

Turning away from Apple is exactly what I've done. Between things like this, a lack of innovation (they like to spread things thin so they have at least have *something* to talk about next year) and things like the headphone jack, eventually I said "no more". Apple like to push and push and push and see how much they can possibly get away with, and sooner or later they're going to cross that line for a lot more people.

The thing is, once they do cross that line, it snaps back, like elastic, putting them well into "I'd need a very good reason to buy Apple products again" territory. All these "just a headphone jack" kind of things add up. Each year you think "oh they've only ruined X or removed Y, that's okay, I didn't *really* need that anyway" and put up with it because new shiny thing with some amazing new feature. Except they haven't done the "amazing new feature" part for white a while now. Then you look back on all the times you've made a compromise like that or risked antennagate (had, was real) / bendgate / touch disease and basically see a mountain.

Comment Re:Oh yeah this'll be good. (Score 1) 274

I'm glad someone else got started, as you said everything I wanted to say but in far fewer words than I usually churn out!

But hey, say way too many people, at least we can "send 'em back" - only most of the people they have in mind came from countries outside of the EU, many were actually born here, and those that did come from the EU are (thankfully) probably going to be able to stay via new agreements. So, didn't really help racists much either. There's the immigration concern where I'll not jump to racism accusations as "let fewer people in" isn't quite the same thing as "send the buggers back".. but that's unlikely to change either, as we're looking likely to still need free movement in the new agreements so.... yep. Let's hope the world doesn't just shrug and say "you're not actually as special as you think on that little island mate"

Comment Re: Oh yeah this'll be good. (Score 0) 274

Sorry, I did miss that bit. Obviously too busy projecting the way I dumbed myself down onto you to read properly!

Hmm, that's the second time I've had this exact discussion in about 10 minutes :) Personally, I'm not angry, and indeed... just not buying it is what I'm doing. I think though, maybe a lot of the people are still fans of Apple at heart and want to see them do better? It's okay to not like what a company you're a fan of does. Occasionally, they might even listen (okay, that's not too often with Apple). They've always pulled this kind of thing so I don't think they're going to change, but one issue is there's so little incentive to actually put up with it - where previously you'd say something like "okay that's a little irksome but I can live with it because they're the first to properly implement $new_tech and I really want my hands on it, and the £15 adaptor I'll factor into the cost, now!", it doesn't currently appear that they're doing much that's new and innovative, yet are still creating new compromises. It's a shame, and it'd be nice to see them make us 'forget' about these things again.

Comment Re: Oh yeah this'll be good. (Score 1) 274

To add, my similar story is when I had one of the older iMacs and eventually a sort of 'cloud' of dust adhered itself to the wrong side of the glass, so I had a slightly murky area between the display and the glass. I booked an appointment, drove 100 miles to my nearest Apple store, and showed the Genius - who promptly removed the glass with a couple of suction cups, wiped it down with a microfiber cloth, put the glass back and handed it back. Problem solved. If only I hadn't seen everything as an excuse to switch my brain off and not do anything for myself.

Comment Re: Oh yeah this'll be good. (Score 1) 274

I've been there, in the Apple RDF, bought their products for quite a while, just recovering...

Looking back, it's pretty shocking that we dumb ourselves down (no offence, I did much of the same) to the point that we find ourselves taking a phone to a 'genius' to remove fluff from a headphone port. Re-learn basic electronics like how pieces of metal pushed together conduct electricity, get a few tools and some compressed air and isopropyl alcohol and think for yourself again, you'll be glad you did :)

Comment Re:Basically (Score 1) 274

Just got out of the RDF. Would previously have believed their inevitable implication that this is the only decent way to make it water resistant, and would've believed the "we need the custom chip that we charge manufacturers a licensing fee for so that we can protect your device from being harmed by dodgy Chinese knockoffs" that I recall hearing about Lightning.

Comment Re:Scrutiny (Score 1) 297

Yeah fair point that. I'm also thinking back to when I originally switched TO Apple, and one of the justifications I made at the time was that I was paying more so they could afford to actually be better. Better policies with manufacturing, better quality control, better customer service, etc. This has proved repeatedly not to be the case.

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