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Comment Re:Through the gates of hell... (Score 1) 153

Also, sorry for double posting, but remember that the previous Monkey Island games are divided in self-contained "chapters", usually each being an island or ship. I think this makes conversion to episode format easy, although admittedly I'd also prefer to have just one full game...

Comment Re:Through the gates of hell... (Score 1) 153

All the people who used to work on these great games left LucasArts. I very much prefer to have a game developed by people with experience and emotional attachment to the previous ones. Also, it looks like this has been in the works for a while.

I'm not that crazy about Sam and Max in first place, and it's a different game, with different expectations and scheduled differently. Wasn't the new episodic game made for GameTap? I know from my experience with Uru Live that GameTap demands speed above everything and that can result in rushed work...

Comment Re:World of Warcraft (Score 1) 191

Yes, but you can't go out into the sunshine and interact with someone on the other side of the world for free. Unless you hitch-hike there :P

And you definitely can't go out into the sunshine if it's night. Or raining (unless you have an airplane).

I hate MMORPGs, but I acknowledge they have some advantages PURELY in the socialization aspect. The gameplay tends to always suck. It's just pointless.

Comment Re:Nothing gets fixed until it breaks (Score 1) 266

Because they own all of those...

Even if you are not connected to the internet, you should not use IP addresses that are not reserved for local networks. However, since they own the space, they can do whatever they want with it.

It's still a huge waste, though. A single /8 could provide enough addresses for the entire population of my country to have a computer connected to the internet... And there would still be millions left over.

Comment Re:Open-minded folks at Wikipedia? (Score 2) 235

Personally, I think Stallman exaggerates; that is not the issue.

Regardless of what wikipedia has accomplished, both the people in the foundation and many of its high-ranked users are anything but open-minded. And, though I do not have a wikipedia account, I say this as a frequent visitor (at least once a day) who *loves* wikipedia. I'm just sorry about many things I regularly see when browsing through it and some things I hear about it.

Comment Re:Better than mplayer? (Score 1) 488

I don't remember the entire version history of MPC off the top of my head, but in the latest MPC Homecinema you can go to the options dialog and change the default font for SRTs, as well as the subtitle spacing. Note that some embedded subtitle streams may contain font information, in which case the problems are the encoder's (or subber's) fault.

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