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Comment Nice comparison (Score 2) 72

The Global Hawk is the size of a 747. The Ion Tiger is a small lightweight drone with a 17" wingspan. And the Phantom Eye is large at 150" wingspan, but also described as lightweight. Comparing flight duration seems a bit unfair. Anyone have a better idea how to properly compare efficiency of engines?

Comment Re:We Wish (Score 1, Interesting) 663

I wasn't just refering to this article, but to other evidence pointing to how much oil we have. I highly recommend The Age of Oil, a thorough review of the evidence of oil consumption and production. From what I've read (that and other books), we aren't anywhere near peak oil, and there is likely vast amounts of oil not yet discovered. It's amusing to me that by pointing out this evidence, I am immediately branded as some neo-con drill baby drill anti-environmentalist. I actually think we should switch from greenhouse gas polluting energy to renewable energy and drastically reduce our energy consumption and destruction of the environment. But my opinions of what we should do don't change the facts about oil levels.

Comment Re:We Wish (Score 1) 663

We first thought we were hitting peak oil in the 1920s IIRC, when the total amount of oil thought to exist in the world is less than what the U.S. uses in a day today. The life expectancy of oil has gone up since then even as our consumption has gone up. Right now, our life expectancy of oil is 34 years. 34 years ago, the life expectancy was les than 20 years. We have been finding oil in massive quantities even as we use more and more. At some point, we'll run out. But we really don't know for sure how much is down there. For a good read, I suggest The Age of Oil, an extremely thorough look at the evidence on oil consumption and production. I've been less than convinced of the evidence that we're anywhere near peak oil. I'm not trying to argue we shouldn't stop polluting. In fact, I think switching to renewable energy isn't nearly enough to save us from disaster.

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