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Comment Re:What the hell? (Score 1) 653

I'm not entirely sure if it's actually legislated, but it might be a signed contract basically saying that breathalyzer tests are required to be taken on request or one is guilty of a DUI. Either one signs the contract or one doesn't get a license.

I don't know. I can't remember if I signed anything like that. I'm still in the stage of life where I don't read anything and just sign it. I'll regret that one one day. I'll look up the statutes one day for shits and giggles, but that's probably it.

I bike and walk anyway. It doesn't get much colder than -10 F in most cases, so it's good.

Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 273

When I want a URL by accuracy, it returns the most recent URLs first and matches URLs anywhere. That is a no-no. That is not how I think. I like URLs matching at the beginning of the domain name.

I also have trouble going to the root domain of a website. I usually have several other links that go to child pages of the actual site I'm going with. Example: Facebook likes to link me to many pages, such as old notes, albums, and other crap. If I type in "https://" and then tab (which shows these "awesome" URLs for me, ala Vimperator), I see all sorts of URLs I do not want.

I don't use bookmarks, either, so that's a wasted feature. When I had the toolbar, it annoyed me how much my screen estate was wasted with the double-lined URL descriptions.

Comment Re:HAHAHA yeah right (Score 1) 177

Not very many highlights for Halo 3, unfortunately. It's also home to the worst level design ever (Mission 8, AFAICT). Shallow story, but it wraps it up in the least. Well, there's also killing more Scarabs, which is awesome.

Both the Halo series and the HL series have their merits, but it's hard to compare them, imo.

Comment Re:HAHAHA yeah right (Score 1) 177

I personally didn't like matchmaking. I personally liked going into pubs ala PC FPSes. Trying to find a match at midnight (CST) was usually hell because nobody could be matched with me. It was slow when I was already falling asleep.

Not to say that matchmaking doesn't have its pros, but I want to play a quick big team battle game on a specific map with a specific setting or goto a custom setup quickly, but not necessarily need to have any pals on XBL. One plus, though, is that if I climbed the ladder up, there would be natural communication between mates, and I'd say in some instances it does outweigh the cons.

Comment Re:not a question (Score 1) 240

Administrators new to the Unix hierarchy.

It took me a while to get used to it, and it made me realize that a package manager is almost essential. That is, until I learn Bash scripting so I can quickly delete certain files of certain hierarchies.

Overall it's no better or worse than other ways. Just different.

Comment Re:Capitalism vs. Communism (Score 1) 176

If everyone was completely altruistic, would everyone be dead unless there were sufficient resources for all?

Let's say there's a water shortage. Every single person would take the most equal amount of water or refuse water to give the whole a larger portion of water. Thus eventually the population will quell itself by denying necessities until the population is small enough for everyone to get the necessary amount of water.

Comment Re:Apple OS != Linux? (Score 1) 596

Nobody ever has it configured, and our computers at school have been there for more than quite some time.

The only two- or three-button functionality I have seen was on Macbooks with their multitouch functionality pads. They're quite nice, I must admit.

And I do know about option click, but I can't look at porn that way!
User Journal

Journal Journal: Bastardizing the English Language is for... 1

Bastardizing the English Language is for Dummies, Idiots, Terrorists, and Cannibals

There are many people that think that text speak, abbreviating, and simplifying English bastardizes it. They are mostly English professors, teachers, and people anal retentive on grammatical conventions. Well, I would like to be the first one that will say they are absolutely correct! But first, a definition of bastardization.

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