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Comment Re:What a stupid question (Score 1) 186

Seconded. I have the 3 DVD sub and use it regularly to watch foreign films and indie films that are difficult to find streaming. Even a lot of blockbusters don't end up streaming anywhere, so to me it's odd to not have a DVD sub if you're a movie buff, but I suspect people on average watch more TV shows than movies.

Comment Re:There was no "net neutrality" 10 years ago (Score 1) 128

We've seen other iterations of anti-consumer decisions. Data limits have always been a bubbling issue and every time someone wants to implement it they can only get reeled back in with competitive forces (the whole voting with dollars idea). Point being that my point still stands that legislating "fairness" isn't helping since the real culprit is a lack of competition. I have a hard time believing that NN hasn't been an ongoing issue for at least the last 15 years, which was the last time I worked in a small Austin ISP, there have always been issues of people looking to treat packets fairly/evenly.

Comment Re:There was no "net neutrality" 10 years ago (Score 1) 128

Exactly! I think it would be common sense to deduce the fact that more regulations aren't the answer to a non-existent problem, particularly since the "solution" is so recent. In fact, the real issue is regulation choking out competition in markets that are lacking in competition. NN is a solution in search of a problem.

Comment Pro Cop Analysis (Score 1) 76

Some disturbing language that indicates that they're analyzing from the perspective of the officer and presuming the individual did something to create a negative interaction. And having software automatically fill out your reports will be serving the client, police officers, and the last thing I want is for someone to find the most efficient language to paper over LEO mistakes. None of this sounds like it's going to be a benefit to citizens.

Comment Re:Main reason not to go (Score 1) 370

Big time Alamo Drafthouse guy here, and most of the foods don't really require fork/knife action so that kind of noise is atypical. Pizzas, burgers, wings, wraps, fish 'n chips -- a lot of food you eat with your hands, and some stuff you eat with a fork like salads, cheese fries, etc. And I have that whole misophonia thing going, so I definitely notice when it does happen. To your point though, I prefer that over a talker, though they're both distracting to me personally at least if someone is talking at an Alamo there's a decent chance that they'll get a warning or ejected, it's not a sure bet as the staff drops the ball from time to time, but it's a helluva lot better than a typical chain.

Comment All your face are belong to Gyrus (Score 1) 47

I left my office one day and a guy walks up to me and says, "Hey, want a ride to your car?" and I stare blankly at this weirdo with a beard for what felt like minutes (probably around 10 seconds) filling in the time with my excellent improv skills, "Um, uhhh", scrunching my face up, he seemed excited or amused, "I'm parked across the street," he says, finally I realize it's my boss that I've worked with on a daily basis the past 2 or 3 years, and all day that very same day. That was before I realized "facial blindness" was a thing, and I think being aware of it has helped me improve quite a bit. Usually if I go with my instincts I'm right about 70% of the time, but the other 30% is not fun. In my defense it would really help if everyone stopped looking a lot like everyone else.

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All great discoveries are made by mistake. -- Young
