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Comment I'm sold! (Score 1) 172

I might be open to trying linux for dev in the unlikely event that an employer is ever promoting them, but never again for the mac!

In my current place I tried one for the first couple (granted, it might not have been that well put together), but when it was time for a refresh (with as straight a face as I could manage): "not even if you put a gun to my head!"

Comment Re:Problem is the system, not the Audubon Society (Score 1) 105

Members of the Audubon society may question whether enabling companies to generate more CO2 pollution is consistent with their values though.

Absolutely, this. Saying they are not going to do something that they were not going to do anyway, just to make money enabling a company to pollute is contrary to the design of the Audubon Society. They should have their charter revoked, lose their tax exempt status, etc.

Comment Re:Plaques (Score 1) 76

your mom had quite a bit going on, making it hard to know what was the core issue. for me, it was chronic insomnia. (maybe your mom drank to help relax her to sleep (though it can have the opposite effect), or else to medicate the impact of chronic insomnia?) I wouldn't doubt insomnia has a strong, direct tie to dementia (as well as a host of other ills). those points from the article you site about sleep being related to brain clean-up seem dead on for me. my insomnia was alleviated with low, regular doses of elavil.

Comment I finally installed it last night on 2 computers. (Score 1) 503

Have to say the installs went flawlessly. The final selling point was to get a couple more years of support out of an OS I am basically stuck with (i.e. MS Windows in general) due to work constraints.

I do hope to see these performance improvements folks are talking about, and am heartened that this Cortana thing can be turned off. However, some of my first experiences with Edge just now were giving ~20 second delays between letters typed into an input field.

I am not a great fan of MS's philosophy, nor, technology, but, like I said, feel relatively stuck/trapped with it (FOR NOW). Fortunately, the 10 OS seems fairly well performing and usable thus far, and I have already seen one improvement that has completely justified the switch. The infuriating behavior I put up with for a couple of years where edge swipes would continually send me to that worthless Apps palette seem to have finally gone away. I had found ways to turn that off at times (as well as the maddening edge window maximization), but they always managed to turn themselves back on again. So now, I guess, that palette is gone, which certainly seems to be the best option.

Just heartened to see a general trend of MS chastening over time. I believe in that - "the bigger they come...", "snake eating it's tail", etc. It's been mainly the open source movement / Linux which has done it. Even if the average Joe can't appreciate Linux's quality, MS can. "Ask not for whom the bell tolls...".

Comment I finally realized how the UBI could & should (Score 1) 440

Just tax all those making in excess of some determined "wealth" threshold DIRECTLY and SOLEY to pay for it. Thus, you provide a disincentive to earn beyond this level (seems healthy off the top of my head). Also, perhaps most importantly, there is some poetic-justice in making the wealthy pay for the poor, considering they are basically alike (/brothers) of doing nothing. Or, rather, to be more accurate, I should say doing no WORK, in that I don't really consider paper-shuffling investing / entrepreneurship / business administration as being actual work (though it (sometimes) MIGHT produce actual value).

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