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Comment Re:But I can do stuff with an Ultrabook (Score 1) 501

> Besides content consumption, that is...

Are you joking?

An Ultrabook can do far more in that area. It can do everything a tablet can do plus all of the services that may not have an "app", or those services that may need Flash (or even Silverlight), and it can handle all of the formats that an iPad can't.

HELL. You could use that Ultrabook as an AirVideo or Plex server to make your iPad less lame.

Comment Re:Wait, What? (Score 2) 225

Except gambling is illegal in the US.

Or rather, the US is not some sort of Soviet style hegemony.

Saying that gambling is legal in the US is much like saying it's legal in Europe or Africa. People tend to forget that the "States" part of "The United States" actually are distinct political entities.

In some regards they are even more independent than the members of the EU (ironically enough).

If the feds tried to impose upon the States what Bonn wants to impose upon Spain or Greece, there would be another civil war.

That's not even getting into the whole VICE aspect of the situation.

Comment Re:You can apparently get GIMP on Android (Score 1) 415

On the other hand, switching from current Photoshop to ancient Photoshop is going to going to have much of the same issues. You're still attempting Herculean feats just to avoid learning a different app to manipulate data in an open format.

You're creating a house of cards just to avoid running a native tool.

Comment Re:Moronic Article (Score 1) 182

> The advantage of H265 (and H264) to end users is clear. Tiny, extremely energy efficient, hardware circuits can handle the video decoding

That's all well and good, but that's supposed to be what the advantages of h264 are and we've already got that and tons of legacy equipment and content.

On the other hand, most people are going to be hard pressed to notice any reason to want 4K given that BluRay is already a tough sell with anything much beyond a 1:1 viewing distance to screen size ratio.

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