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Comment Re:I wonder... (Score 1) 1135

So the best thing they could do for secuity is have a fast low impact search that screens most reasonable threats (x-ray bagage and any bulky/loos fitting coats should do, maybe a meatal detector, and a chemical bomb sniffer) and doesn't generate large crouds of people waiting.

That's funny, the TSA has basically said they have no idea how to deal with that problem... well, I'm sure we can trust these unelected TSA officials, they must know exactly what they're doing!

Comment Re:Mr. Bob, (Score 1) 300

No, it's not the equal protection clause that forces the states to comply with the Bill of Rights. The framers of the 14th amendment intended it to be the privileges and immunities clause. Unfortunately SCOTUS neutered this clause over a hundred years ago and instead opted to incorporate the Bill of Rights piece by piece against the states through the due process clause.

Interestingly enough, Clarence Thomas recently "revived" the clause.

ObTopic: Did we really expect the MPAA, of all people, to say anything other than this?

Comment Re:Why would Verizon care? (Score 1) 481

My biggest problem with Wikipedia is the direct source of stories like this. It's become a little pool and everyone is trying to be the biggest fish, for two reasons: First, that way they can create their own little kingdom of articles which they've "adopted", bullying people into a consensus which matches their own ideals/agenda. Second, they just want to feel important.

I should sleep now, it's after midnight, but Duty Calls.

Comment Re:Google (Score 1) 393

I disagree with the author of that page. He (she?) says that (unencrypted) email is like real mail. This is not true. Email is like post cards: there is not the slightest barrier to prevent people from reading it (no envelope). If you want privacy, the very least you can do is ROT-13 it.

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