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Comment Re:A Strawman for the Symptom (Score 4, Interesting) 723

If they could buy an unencumbered product at what are perceived to be low & fair prices, they wouldn't bother to pirate and there would be no Pirate Bay or its' ilk.

Massive piracy and disregard for copyright laws happens because consumers find it the only avenue to get the product they want, at non-extortionate prices, and in unencumbered formats that don't hinder their enjoyment and fair use. Remove these obstacles and piracy would go back to meaning something that occurs at sea.

I could not agree more. For example I went to go see a movie at the theater this weekend. It come my wife and I $9.25 a ticket. So why would I want to pay $18.50 to go see a movie. When I can wait 6 months for it to come out on netflix or wait for it to come to the $1 theater. The media companies fail to realize that their customers are starting to realize that they are simply getting ripped off. Now everyone has a limits of what they consider "ripped off". For example I do not feel like I am getting ripped off when I pay $15 a month for netflix. Some people do feel that way. I think the media companies need to figured out a happy medium to reduce their losses and then prosecute the rest. For example lowering the price of a song to say $.75 and then suing people who distribute.

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