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Comment Where is it practical? (Score 1) 127

But it does not allow rockets to reenter the Earth's atmosphere at orbital velocities, slow down, and land.

How about the Moon and Mars? It seems to me that the fuel capacity of Dragon isn't enough to do both lunar descent and ascent just on the Super Draco thrusters and the trunk's fuel capacity.

Comment What's really impressive (Score 2) 127

The impressive part is that they do it with an actual rocket that is 106 feet tall, and that they have launched it 7 times with 0 failures.

Using the same engine, rather than treating the engine as a disposable object that only performs one burn in its lifetime. Most rocket engines can't be throttled, can't be shut down and then restarted in flight or otherwise.

The tricky part is going to be for any stage to have enough delta-V to return to the pad after lifting a payload to orbit. Also, as far as I can tell, this takes a drag chute for lower stages, and a re-entry shield for upper ones.


Comment Re:total stupidity (Score 1) 634

Don't worry. The remaining system administrators will properly triage all the work among the remaining admins.

They'll just punt all the routine boring stuff like security audits and access control management to concentrate on the more urgent firefighting, like user requests that would otherwise hold things up, and more visible projects like those new TPS cover sheets.

Comment Well as long as the issue is one guy then.. (Score 1) 413

Its a good thing its just Snowden that would be the cause. And totally not an out of control power hungry paranoid organization that finds enemies in every crevice; that is hell bent on hiding its activities while co-opting the privacy of those they are allegedly supposed to protect. Because if it was that, it would be a horrible commentary on the state of affairs of our failed political system.

Comment Re:Not much of a defense (Score 1) 358

Well stated, but expect every ignoramous proclaiming a Ph.D in the US Constitution to proclaim Washington a traitor if it means the government is spying on their militia plans because we all know those who have the biggest bomb shelters during the Cold War era were typically the last person you'd want near you.

Comment Re:Privacy concerns now outweigh terrorism in poll (Score -1, Troll) 358

It seems clear that they're doing it to us non-Americans even more. While that might be no immediate problem to US representatives who only have their own electorates to worry about, the damage to the US reputation abroad has already started.

Already started? The US's reputation in the rest of the world has been taking considerable damage for years now. This recent stuff has certainly been doing a lot more damage, but their reputation being damaged isn't exactly a new development.

Horse shit. The US reputation has been considerably restored. What's taking damage is the fact that the entire G20 is spying on its citizenries because you a-hole terrorist factions, no matter where you are and your asinine religious zealotry abounds like to blow shit up and take innocent people with you as if that some how is going to stop any G20 nation from taking the one commodity you possess: Oil. I personally can't wait for Green Tech to take over. We can all move onward without having to spend trillions on fuel from people who can't stand us as much as we can't stand them. Perhaps then people can honestly come to peace accords and start to learn from one another, instead of wasting the patience of nations just to toot around town wherever they live.

Comment Re:indeed, too many bad code monkeys, few engineer (Score 1) 479

I laughed when you wrote,

``You truly appreciate object oriented code when you do GUI programming in a good Microsoft language.''

Tell the kid to learn ObjC/Cocoa. Then you will learn the notion of quality OOA/OOD and world-class OO Tools for UI design. Better yet, tell them to find a copy of NeXTSTEP, put it in a VM and dig for the old NeXT Dev Manuals.

Comment Teardown comparison of fake, real Apple chargers (Score 2) 457

Pardon me for interrupting the usual /. dialogue with something relevant to the original topic, but Ken Shirriff did a couple of teardowns a year ago that point out exactly why the counterfeit chargers are Not Safe. The safety issues revolve around poor isolation practices between the line and USB sides of some USB chargers.

Major items include
1) lack of "double insulated" construction in the internal transformer.
2) parts placement of line and USB side components on a single circuit board such that paths may be readily formed between line and USB sides from moisture, construction errors, or component failure.
3) inadequate margins between line side and USB side in overall layout of the charger internal components.

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