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Comment Re:Bloody hell! (Score 1) 468

The alcohol/CO2 ratio produced by yeast also depends on anaerobic vs. aerobic respiration, with the latter producing no alcohol and much more CO2. There is a fair amount of dissolved oxygen in bread dough, and the yeast is killed quickly by baking, so there is significant aerobic respiration. In making beer/wine, there is significant aerobic respiration at the beginning of fermentation, but eventually the oxygen is gone and anaerobic alcohol production begins.

Comment Re:Clarification (Score 1) 372

I am an excellent programmer, but working 9-5 in a cubicle writing code scares me and does not seem like a good way to spend the next 30+ years of my life.

Have you considered science, as others here have mentioned? Atmospheric science, in particular, is computationally intensive and can often be started in grad school without any undergrad exposure. With a CS degree and programming experience, you could very quickly get involved in atmospheric science research.

Comment Re:Three options (Score 1) 1032

No. It isn't true. Instinct is indeed to chase pretty much anything that moves, that isn't a 'friend'.
We didn't have a #&$((@ mouse problem until one particular bastard of a cat started bring (live!) mice in from the field 'for later'.

Well, if the mice were still alive, I'd wager the cat could use more training...

Comment ROOT (Score 1) 303

I would urge anyone attempting significant data analysis to try a dedicated analysis software package such as ROOT. ROOT has much more support for data trees, histograms, functions, fitting, etc., and ROOT now also has a Python interface.

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