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Submission + - ABC TV and Linux users (

gazzarda writes: Why is it that TV networks leave out Linux (and sometimes Mac) users. Linux users are not able to use the ABC Now software or the browser based player. The ABC website for the ABC Now player mentions that "Due to the technical requirements of ABC Now we have been unable to find a robust and secure tool for making the Flash based code into a stable Linux version at this time..." Is this really a technical difficulty, the network's unwillingness to put the resources to develop a Linux player or due to licensing issues?

Submission + - Judge Rules Investigation Into CIA Tapes Legal (

TDarwin writes: Many may know that the Bush Administration, through the Justice Department, tried to stop the investigation into the destroyed CIA interrogation tapes by saying that the incidents didn't happen in Guantanamo and therefore were not protected by previous orders to keep any evidence of the treatment of Guantanamo prisoners. On December 19th, A Federal Judge ruled that this was not the case and that the investigation into the tapes' deletion could continue. For more, see this article from Al Jazeera.

Submission + - IBM Faces EU Antitrust Complaint from Platform Sol (

Tech.Luver writes: "Software maker Platform Solutions has filed a complaint with the European Commission alleging that IBM abused its market dominance by refusing to share information related to its high- performance mainframe computers. The complaint, filed on Oct 19, according to a European Commission spokesman Jonathan Todd, is the latest in an ongoing intellectual property dispute between privately held Platform Solutions and IBM Corp. Platform Solutions alleges that IBM abused EU antitrust rules "by refusing to supply interface information relating to mainframe computers and refusing to license third parties," Todd said. ( )"

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