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Comment Re:Will Democrats live up to the same standard? (Score 1) 552

The Russian government interfered in the election in "sweeping and systematic fashion." That's on PAGE ONE of the Mueller report.

Oh, but Lord Flim-Flam didn't collude with them, you say? That's great. We can all sleep soundly, knowing that our president is a useful idiot for a foreign tyrant instead of a quisling.

Comment Re: Well... (Score 1) 925

Fascism does not mean "failure to drink Fox Propaganda's Kool-Aid." Fascism does not mean "stuff that I don't like." Mussolini was not a socialist. Neither was Hitler, nor Franco, nor Pinochet, nor António Salazar in Portugal, nor the generals who ran Argentina or Brazil.

Fascism is our people, our country, our flag, our leader and our approved religion hell yeah and evil foreigners, godless heathens, union loudmouths and uppity womenfolk boo hiss. Fascism is what you get when you take all those good clean Boy Scout virtues and turn them into idols that all must worship or else.

If you stand for the national anthem, you are a patriot. If you would force others to stand, you are a fascist.

Comment Re:Liberal = bigot (Score 1) 420

You're being oppressed because your Nazi hero is being denied a forum? Even as those same Nazischweine are piped into nearly every home in America and you Hundred Percent Red Blood Americans pay for the privilege of hearing their unhinged rants? I seem to remember having cable TV when I was in college. Are those same colleges blocking students from watching Fox Propaganda?
Try being shot by police because you're the wrong color. Try being denied a job, an apartment or a medical procedure because of someone's Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs.
You. Are. Not. Being. Oppressed.

Comment Re:Trump?!?!? What fucking planet do you live on? (Score 4, Insightful) 420

1. Stop being a drama queen. You. Are. Not. Being. Oppressed.
2. Donald Trump is a liar, a crook, a thief, a con artist, a loudmouth braggart phony and the very model of a toxic boss. He has been these things IN PUBLIC for decades longer than the Evil Liberal Deep State Fake News Mainstream Media has had any reason to care about his politics. Now he starts whistling all the Fascist dog whistles and suddenly he's the Messiah.
3. Which "traditional values" are you talking about? The one that says the wifey should be barefoot and pregnant? That the cullud people should know their place? That the Feelthy Queers need to remain in the closet? That I'd better see you in church bright and early Sunday morning OR ELSE?
4. Again: When tyranny comes to America, it will be the Fourth of July every day, not black helicopters, and YOU will be on the tyrant's side.

Comment Re: Leftist Propaganda Needs Censorship (Score 2, Funny) 420

Roight, guv. The Commie Pinko Liberals are all into flags and nationalist bullshit and Nuremberg rallies and military expansion. When they're not burning the flag, Trashin' Are Country and Disrespectin' Are Troops. (Which one of these are we doing this week? My SorosGram got lost in the mail again.) I mean they were the National Socialist German Workers' Party, right?

Pay attention when Ah'm talkin' to ya, son. When tyranny comes to America, it will not be UN troops and black helicopters and Agenda 21. It will be the Fourth of July every single fucking day. And you, Anonymous Coward, will be shouting the Leader's slogans and goose-stepping to the Leader's drums.

Comment Re:Trump?!?!? What fucking planet do you live on? (Score 5, Insightful) 420

Public Service Announcement: The right to free speech means the government can't arrest you for what you say.

It doesn't mean that anyone else has to listen to your bullshit, or host you while you share it.

The 1st Amendment doesn't shield you from criticism or consequences.

If you're yelled at, boycotted, have your show cancelled, or get banned from an Internet community, your free speech rights aren't being violated.

It's just that the people listening think you're an asshole, and they're showing you the door.

Comment Re:Good (Score 5, Informative) 1044

1) Securing the perimeter of a McMansion's yard is EXACTLY THE SAME PROBLEM as walling off 2,000 miles worth of border.

2) Do you really think $5 billion worth of wall will stop that last Mexican boogeyman? Or give us anything close to $5 billion worth of border security? Do you really think the Lord of Grift will do anything other than pocket most of the money?

3) You want to stop those Mexican boogeymen? Slap a good stiff fine on those who hire them. You could even fund a few hundred feet of wall with the revenue...oh, wait, I just remembered. Taking money from rich people is socialism.

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