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Comment Re:hmm (Score 1) 94

Because you are new to games, and don't know what to play, and everybody seems to play this thing called "angry birds".

Because it is the cool crowd who plays it.

Because it is like that popular tv show (enter name) that everyone seems to like, so you have to seem to like it to blend in

Because you just finished Demon's Souls and you need to play something "light"

Because he plays it (if you are a girl)

This should cover 500mil people.

Comment Re:Weebl's Stuff (Score 1) 174

Yes, HTML5 works wonderfully for video made of pixels

Not really. Working with major video publishers, we have learned that HTML5 means iPad. Noone cares about webm or ogg, we are asked to create MP4 for VOD and/or MPEG-TS for live streams and that is it. They are very happy with RTMP and FLV video for browsers and for now they only care about iPad when it comes to tablets

As a developer I find HTML5 a pain in the butt because video players behave differently on different devices and browsers. iPads do not allow more than one video play at the same time (note that I have long accepted HTML5 video=iPad). So not only does it put a limitation on the application you are designing, you also need to to maintain browser compatibility in your code.

You may say "well flash sucks, you need developers, build environments, maintenance, etc.", and you would be right. But we have already done those, they are in place, they are well known and well documented. And guess what, they work great.

If you are to propose a replacement for Flash video I think you need to make a really good case first.

Comment Re:Complexity arising from simplicity (Score 3, Insightful) 74

It seems to me like you are creating hypothetical scenarios of total failure. Most of the practical failure scenarios can be handled gracefully when you have facebook's resources under your command. After all they are not sending men to Mars. We have studied and now well understand distributed database problems for more than 30 years. There is pretty much nothing technologically interesting about Facebook (and Twitter for that matter).

The sad part is someone writes his ramblings and puts a flow chart or two and it becomes a story on /.

Comment 20 years of menu bars and buttons and MDI ... (Score 1) 302

...was going to be boring at some point. Apparently that point is now.

On the bright side something good may come out of this "dumb-down-the-product" approach made popular (and commercially perfected) by Apple. It worked great for them so since MS is trying to re-invent themselves, why not follow the same paradigm.

On the other hand, the pro users (a slight super set of the little crowd here at /.) think that the old one worked just fine, why mess with it, rightly so

I think noone is really wrong or right here. Only time will tell if MS can pull this off.

Comment Re:Uhm AWS EC2 Cluster Compute (Score 1) 264

There must be a better way than ec2

Cluster GPU Quadruple Extra Large Instance
22 GB of memory
33.5 EC2 Compute Units (2 x Intel Xeon X5570, quad-core “Nehalem” architecture)
2 x NVIDIA Tesla “Fermi” M2050 GPUs
1690 GB of instance storage

Personal experience: Disk IO: not dependable, network IO excellent.

4000 British pounds sterling = 6302.8000 US dollars
Assuming for each "experiment" you run 20 instances in parallel for 15 minutes (partial hours count as full hours, so remember to round up even if you use for a minute), you spend 40$ per session.

You get to make 160 experiments, and you are over budget.

Or if you adjust everything optimally, e.g., end the experiment at 59 minute mark, and assuming your "parallelization" uses 5 instances, then you get to make 640 experiments. But real life is far from optimal, especially with those pesky grad students.

Comment Re:Samsung Innovation (Score 1) 314

I don't agree with the before/after images. Advances in technology and reduction in tech and hardware prices will be major factor in those designs. Do you really think Samsung made 1 inch tablets because they thought it would look nice? Once you move to touchscreens, guess what, you dont need arrow buttons on the device anymore.

Submission + - Baby Star Found on Earth's Doorstep (

sciencehabit writes: To see how our solar system arose, astronomers point their telescopes at young stars. But these stars are usually so far away, the view is murky. Now a stellar newborn has turned up on Earth's doorstep. Named AP Columbae, the star is so young it has yet to spark its main nuclear flame, and it's so nearby—a mere 27 light-years from Earth—that scientists might be able to glimpse the glow of orbiting planets still cooling off from their formation.

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