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The Hidden Cost of Using Microsoft Software 691

Glyn Moody writes "Detractors of free software like to point out it's not really 'free,' and claim that its Total Cost of Ownership is often comparable with closed-source solutions if you take everything into account. And yet, despite their enthusiasm for including all the costs, they never include a very real extra that users of Microsoft's products frequently have to pay: the cost of cleaning up malware infections. For example, the UK city of Manchester has just paid out nearly $2.5 million to clean up the Conficker worm, most of which was 'a £1.2m [$2million] bill in the IT department, including £600,000 [$1 million] getting "consultancy support" to fix the problems, which including drafting in experts from Microsoft.' To make the comparisons fair, isn't it about time these often massive costs were included in TCO calculations?"

Comment Disgusted (Score 2, Insightful) 414

Where did this censorship policy originate? And where was it when people were being kidnapped on a daily basis in Iraq? Daniel Berg? The Christian Science Monitor lady? The media outlets were practically tripping over themselves to report every detail -- and feed airtime to the kidnappers -- yet one of their own gets nabbed and now the policy is "stfu so our guy doesn't get hurt" ?


Of course, now that the media outlets have revealed their little secret, you can bet the terrorists will take counter-measures. This trick only works once.

Comment Amazing what those little rovers can do (Score 4, Insightful) 157

Such an amazing project, those little rovers are. With an planned life span of 90 days, they have now been running since...oh...2003? Wonderful work, NASA. Please keep the pictures and the science flowing. Can you imagine how long that data takes to get from Earth to Mars?

Or what about the communication path from the rovers to NASA? They use the Mars Odyssey or Mars Global Surveyor. Check this out. The rovers have a 250kbps link to those satellites. Unreal. Even with the satellite use, the data still takes TEN minutes to get to Earth.

This stuff is awesome. Just awesome.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Vista cracks me up

Microsoft decided to move the ICMP controls for the Windows Firewall in Vista. Why? I couldn't find a damned reason for it. They took the ICMP controls and moved them into some "advanced" MMC panel. Oh...and get this...they managed to add a URL where the controls used to be -- so it wasn't a space issue.

Comment Somebody is thinking at Microsoft? (Score 5, Insightful) 259

Who hired them and how long do you think they will last at Microsoft? hohoho

Ok, being serious. It makes sense. With Time Warner slapping draconian download caps on those poor people in Texas, a USB flash drive for OS distribution in a growing netbook market shows some...slight...thinking ahead of the curve. Can you imagine the ire of not only having to download a 3.5GB OS onto a netbook but if you actually run over your cap and get charged EXTRA for it? Oh man. I would shoot my netbook.

Kudos to whomever pulled this rabbit out of the hat.

Comment Re:Fans are disconnected (Score 0, Redundant) 544

Quoted in its entirety for being so damned spot-on...

I'm not going to go into the story: it's convoluted, but frankly its really not the key to this movie: this is a roller coaster movie with new actors playing parts we love.

Can someone please explain to me how this is NOT a failure?

Star Trek was always known for its strong story telling. Sure, it was sometimes campy and over the top. But the series was built on story. The action was just the frosting.

That was something that Berman never realized. He kept playing down the story in exchange for more action, more outlandish events, more of that adrenaline squeeze. Except that he was bad at it. I mean, really, really bad. Stinking up the screen bad. (Hey look: MACOs! Amazing how those guys never got any screen time, isn't it? Or how about the time Riker used a joystick to save the day? I know, let's have Picard fight himself! Or put 7 of 9 in a fight pit with a WWE wrestler! Yeah, those were great times. *cough*)

Now you're telling me that JJ doesn't suck at it. Therefore it's okay to finish tearing apart the foundations of Star Trek because at least it was a fun ride. Right?

Star Trek stood on its own two feet for 40 years. It was challenged by the networks, challenged by the box office, and challenged by its own actors. Yet the concept survived and is cherished by its fans. The core idea of a better future painted on the rich tapestry of space travel is not something to be ignored. It's something to protect, grow, and find ways to adapt to the changing times. After all, is there any better time to shout out this message than when things seem the darkest?

Instead we have a summer blockbuster. And like all summer blockbusters, it will be forgotten by next summer. It is a sad day for Roddenberry's vision of the future.

Please save our franchise. Are you available to direct the next Star Trek movie???????????

Comment Re:AdBlock "Plus" vs regular AdBlock (Score 3, Insightful) 408

"(If I recall correctly)"
"Of course that's just how I remember the whole thing. I never visit the AdBlock Plus page and I am deliberately blind to most ads anyway."

So, your entire post was based on a guess? You don't have any direct experience with AdBlock either? Are you kidding me? Why are you posting again?

Comment Re:What is that cost? (Score 1) 591

That's a BIG assumption given the costs involved. The physical plant (fiber in the ground, head-end equipment, nodes) could be measured in the tens of millions of dollars, depending on the neighborhood. Multiply that by 50-100 neighborhoods and soon you're talking about real money. Now, add in regional networks, connections to other ISPs, customer service/support, employees to service the physical plant, trucks, etc. Some of your local ISPs are still paying off their investment.

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