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Comment Re:This is why CentOS is now dead (Score 1) 18

It does sometimes seem that RH aspires to be like MS. Heck, MS, aspires to be MS - they are totally in over their heads, and are clearly unable to manage the complexity of their various enterprises. Just layer upon layer of nasty cruft. Some bugs in Windows are over a decade old - I know, I've reported them and they're still not fixed.

My first experiences with MS was when their sole product was MSBASIC (which they 'basically' stole). Bill Gates was a money-grubbing scumbag from the very beginning. And MS faked compentence from the very beginning. Some things never change.

Comment Pot, Kettle, etc. (Score -1, Troll) 104

You do realize that all important actors on the world stage spin their propaganda however they can? The U.S. no less than others, and probably a great deal more. I'm sure that the picture of the U.S. that is portrayed is somewhat less than accurate. The NYT is hysterically anti-China and anti-Russia in any case.

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