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Comment Re:And 300-400 workers less (Score 0) 237

Another reason for Universal Basic Income. Tax the robots, or the lasers in this case; the company will still get ahead and be willing to innovate. The workers without a job will have an income for survival and can pursue continued education or training in something, or freely innovate at home start their own business or invention; or; sit at home and do nothing but continue to create jobs by spending the UBI back into the economy.

Comment will it ever have a desktop that just works? (Score 1) 359

Been using Linux in some form since pre-1.0 kernel. Years ago I stopped using it as my main OS because quite simply, I got tired of constantly fixing multi-monitor setups and just getting the desktop to be stable. Sure there was large periods of time when things were fine, but always a hassle when upgrading hardware. The open source vs vendor supplied (if you were lucky to have a vendor to supply) drivers was always a tradeoff; gaining something but losing something else. Fortunately there are type-2 hypervisors now and huge ass monitors that can split the screen multiple ways.

Comment UBI (Score 1) 1014

The same concerns were said about the Industrial Revolution. That was the equivalent of robots back then, and things turned out fine. The newspeak you see in the article is just a smokescreen to protect ultra-high profit margins. Yes, some people will lose their jobs. The solution here is to tax the robots and stop putting billions into non-functioning F-35s, useless wars that murdered a million Iraqis, supporting the genocide in Yemen, etc. This could easily pay for a Universal Basic Income that will allow for people to attain education and learn real skills or tinkering and innovating in their garages and coming up with the next best thing without having to forgo that because they need to hang onto their $9/hr slave wage to get by instead. Yes, for every system there will always be a few shitheads that game it or try to, it is unavoidable no matter what. It would be no different than what we have today, in fact likely even less; you give a person UBI and an opportunity to learn something valuable, they are more likely to succeed than to give them a slave wage at a meaningless job.

Comment Fuck Ajit Pai (Score 5, Interesting) 278

Just need a simple majority. Doug Jones will be in the Senate, they can't likely wheel McCain's corpse in for a vote, and Collins (R) supports Net Neutrality. Couple this with only 16% of Americans and ignorant enough to believe repealing NN is somehow a good thing for them, the Senators that have a fight on their hands for re-election are going to do whatever they can to get re-elected, even if it means voting to kill off the FCC vote. BTW, fuck Ajit Pai.

Comment Article assumes too much (Score 2) 421

Cut the cord years ago. We use an antenna and receive about 60 channels. It was a $10 one-time investment. We recently discovered (a probably still ongoing) coupon code on Slick Deals last week for one month trial (auto-renew of course) DirectTV streaming service. We now have 70 live channels on that Roku app. We've watched it maybe three times in the week and just get entirely overwhelmed. Granted, we live in a large metropolitan area with lots of stations broadcasting nearby, and we only really watch the stations that play the "classic" TV shows (oldies and ones running during fellow Gen-Xers' childhoods) and mostly watch one of 5 PBS stations anyway. But still, looking at all these channels and knowing you can only watch one at a time seems like such a huge waste. This package would be like $80/month or so - no way we're going to let it auto-renew.

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