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Comment Re:Happened to my wife (Score 3, Informative) 284

Not sure if you're aware of how much parking fees are for commercial airliners, but they aren't cheap & are calculated to the minute. Add to this the reallocation of tickets for connecting flights, time on the clock for business people, etc.

A small delay can amount to millions in a busy airport.

Comment Re:Excellent; (Score 4, Informative) 362

The higher denominations are always more likely to be spent though. If you have a jar of 1c coins vs a jar of $1 coins, a person is more likely to dip into the $1 jar than the 1c jar. Who wants to count out 1500c for a 6 pack of beer? I'd rather I with the 15 $1 coins.

As a side note, us Aussies got rid of our 1c & 2c coins years ago, hasn't hurt our economy, & our dollar is at US$1.05.

Comment Re:Slopes were made for slippin' (Score 2) 132

You don't think that a determined enough person can find these sites anyway? The lists should never be secret, the cases should always be open.

The idea that even the site's owner won't be notified shows a "guilty with no chance to prove innocence" process. I hate to skirt a Godwin, but this kind of activity reeks of fascism.

Comment Re:About .. eh.... time? (Score 3, Funny) 140

Heaven forbid a company designing a UI that you might find useful, or, SHOCK HORROR, make your life easier. I mean, who wants things to be easier? In fact, Valve should force TV users to load all games via an 8pt comic sans font console that has pink writing on a white background, & ensure that the only input device allowed is a hacked Wii-mote.

The amount of bullshit wank you faux-geeks go on with is ridiculous. Any positive change to a device/piece of software & it's all "I could do that x years ago by gluing a piece of string to a tin can".

Comment Re:The UN = Censorship (Score 5, Interesting) 79

Democracy is about counting the votes of people equally, good or bad. In essence you're advocating a dictatorship (as the Internet is run now by the US) over a democracy by claiming that dictatorships (countries) will have more of a say.

I trust the US less than I trust the UN with the Internet. When "Internet Kill Switches" are being investigated by the US, it's clear this is not about democracy but protecting US assets/companies at the cost of the rest of the world.

US citizens, as usual, see the US as the police of the world, the rest of us are the criminals. The truth is, the US are the criminals & we're trying to wrest control of a powerful tool from despotic megalomaniacs.

Submission + - The Election Map, as a Cartogram (

Geoffrey.landis writes: "By now we've all seen those maps of the US colored red and blue for which presidential candidate won a particular state. Those maps are a bit misleading, though, since vast areas of America have very low population. Mark Newman, of the University of Michigan, shows variant ways of mapping the election, with the maps distorted to un-distort the data."

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