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Comment Re:What would Linux skills be? (Score 1) 208

If you are aiming for even a somewhat technical position this programme is not targeted at you.

I ought to rectify this a little; part of the programme does actually involve more advanced knowledge (namely Elevate America for Technical Professionals) but still, the majority of people utilising this programme will be at lower tiers.

Comment Re:What would Linux skills be? (Score 1) 208

But these are without shadow of a doubt not the skills which this programme is trying to teach. What Microsoft and Washington want people to learn is how to use word processors, spreadsheets, presentations, databases and Windows so that they have the basic computer skills required for most office work these days.

Your average office jockey doesn't need to know this stuff. If you are aiming for even a somewhat technical position this programme is not targeted at you.

Comment Re:Dear Moderators (Score 3, Insightful) 215

Sounds like the post is just factually true.

Except that what it is implying is that the 'glass ceiling' is imaginary, that gender-based discrimination does not exist. Even in our 'enlightened' society, where the role of women has been significantly balanced, it remains ignorant to say that women only get worse pay because they do not work such long hours. In addition, the number of women who do work long hours and do not spend excessive time on childcare is certainly not insignificant, nor (as parent^4 seems to think) worth dismissing.

Also, it seems to me that women are mentioned here purely for comic effect, not because Amazon sees them as more apt to consume.

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