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Comment Re:This has to be taken seriously (Score 3, Informative) 382

That's the funny thing. I live very close to CHOP. Everything you see on FoxNews and what comes out of the president's mouth is not happening. It's basically a bunch of hippies sitting in a park and painting everything.

Trump is actively trying to make it seem worse so he can politicize it. It's sad. Right now because of his rhetoric, we have white militia's threatening to come into Seattle and "take care of the issue."

Comment This is actually really smart (Score 4, Interesting) 307

The Trump administration wants to paint the WHO as a scapegoat for the coming election. It also wants to paint China as an enemy as part of his campaign strategy. Both smart moves for an election year.

That said it's unfortunate that we have a system that values re-election over actually whats doing what is right. The world is truly a worse place because of this man. History will judge him and his family poorly.

Comment Re:I'm not investing in Tesla... (Score 2) 125

It's still a buy, now more than ever. They already have the infrastructure to sell cars without a show room. All other automotive manufacturers are putting EVs on hold because of COVID-19. Tesla is building two more factories. They are likely to come out of this ahead.

Not to mention consumers are seeing the cleaner air because of COVID-19. Oil is finite resource, electric cars are here to stay regardless if there are robo-taxis. Also note. Tesla is actually not entirely car company. They sell solar, they sell battery infrastructure. These will be huge portions of their business in years to come.

It's funny you know. As Tesla has never spent a dime on marketing. Every month all Elon has to do is say something controversial and Tesla gets publicity.

Comment Re:So far, response has been reason and science ba (Score 1) 533

"Trump early on blocked all travel from China, way before most said it was needed."

Interesting you should say that. As I had co-workers flying back from China in mid January. The first documented case was confirmed January 19th. I think he had already been in the country 4 days? (Can't confirm that number).

China first reported Covid-19 in November. Read this. (Among many other articles about how other countries are handling this)

Don't believe the hype that we have the best healthcare / are the best prepared. It's a total lie.

Comment This isn't a surprise to me. (Score 1) 259

When engineers and designers are given the task of creating a new thing with zero concern for having to re-use existing tooling, supply chains and out of date institutionalized systems, great things can happen.

This is also why SpaceX is able to perform so much better than Boeing.

Tesla is still a buy in my opinion. (But I expect a general market crash/correction soon)

Comment It's honestly a little scary (Score 3, Interesting) 145

It's honestly a little scary how vertically integrated Tesla is. They now have a vast super charging network, and are now selling thousands of cars that are engineered to use this network. (Yes you can use other charging stations or just plug in at 120v, but they are much slower to charge)

They make the solar panels, and batteries too. This would be akin to Exxon selling cars that are engineered for Exxon gas, and now Tesla is starting to make semi trucks.

Each super charging station is essentially a money printing machine for Tesla. It's still a good time to buy Tesla.

Full disclosure.... I am very long on Tesla stock

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