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Comment Battlestar; Just the 4th Season (Score 1) 922

Or maybe just the ending?

Suggestions: Kara aint no ghost, but a clone or maybe.....A CYLON, bitches?

Let the President live to set foot on Earth, before killing her off, heartless bitches?

Dont kill the hot black chick via suicide; let her F#$@ her way to an early grave?

Must we RAM the BASESTAR? I mean, really?

Go back to Season 2's "Exodus" for inspiration. Do that shit again!

Comment Nope, wrong. (Score 0) 195

Geeks can generally find a way to afford any hardware that we want. The problem is, we dont WANT to afford hardware that is grossly overpriced. It is also wrong to suggest that those who dont buy Apple products are somehow against Apple. I think you would find most people appreciate what Apple does, even if we dont want to pay those outrageous prices, in order to be part of the 'club'.

Apple doesnt to anything from a functional perspective that others dont; iPhone being a perfect example. My Blackberry had every feature that the iPhone3G had a year before the 3G was available. If there is anything about Apple that I personally resent, it might be their propensity to suggest innovation and features never existed until they incorporated them into their own products.

Apple would be fine allowing one to believe that no phone had true GPS or A2DP until the G3, and I know more than one iPhone owner who believed that until I set them straight. I truly appreciate Apple's marketing prowess, and their product design abilities are unmatched. There are just a number of us who can appreciate Apple without paying more than twice the average price for similar technology. This past Christmas, I purchased THREE HP laptops on Black Friday for LESS than the price of MacBook Pro with the same feature set, same RAM, and and bigger disks.

Is the MacBook a better machine anyway? Perhaps, but NOT 3+ times better.

Comment It aint about a language... (Score 1) 799

Its about proper programing principles and procedures.

Set him up with something where he can produce something cool, FAST, which will enforce best practices. Frankly, the IDE is more important than the language. Set him up to where he is asking "Why and How", not "what the fuck do I do now?"

He'll need an idea of something to accomplish, and set out on a path to get it done. Learning programing without a specific goal, is another kind of hell. Make it about the 'Solution', then show him how to get there.

Comment Begrudging Respect (Score 1, Flamebait) 303

As much as I dislike the overhyping (and overpricing) of everything Apple creates, I have to give it to Jobs, for stealing the technical marketing thunder for 2010 with this tablet.

Here come the endless stories and speculation; the masses of apple fanboys ready to re-mortgage their condo's to pay for this thing, and the articles; OH, THE ARTICLES!

Dont cha love the 20page reviews with a single paragraph per page and enough ads to lock up your Noscript?

The guy knows what he's doing. They will sell millions of them, whether they suck or not.....

Comment Focus on the business.... (Score 5, Insightful) 301

and not so much the technology.

Show how the various systems and services directly support Business operations and overall goals like profitability, customer service ratings, etc..

Point out wherever technology is a business hindrance or obstacle, and provide multiple options for systems or software integration to alleviate the problem.

In short, use the opportunity to remind the execs that IT is more than a cost-center, and how its proper usage can enhance profitability.

Careful though; if you do too good a job, they might make you a (gasp) manager, and then of course, you are screwed.

Comment Re:You know (Score 1) 579

Well said.

It would be interesting also to point out that the shortage of Flu vaccine in the US is DIRECTLY due to government intervention. The US Government decided a few years ago to dictate to the pharmaceutical industry how much they would be allowed to charge for these vaccines. Thinking that they would save the tax-payer a lot of money, the result was that all but two manufacturers announced that they would no longer make the vaccines at all.

Only 5 years ago, Vaccine shortages were unheard of. Now, it is the norm. Wish I could blame stupid liberals, but this was done in combination with GW Bush and a Democrat controlled Congress.

You have the same idiots now wanting to do the same to the entire Health industry, and it wont be just vaccination shortages, but shortages of EVERYTHING. That is why you wait 2 months for a cancer screening in Canada today. This is our future.

Comment Re:Small Business Server (Score -1, Flamebait) 225

The other poster is right; you are an idiot.

The opportunity for increased revenue sits right there in front of you, and if you had any sense, you would LEARN what its good for, and make money SHOWING your clients what they can do with it. Change your name to Anonymous, next time you want to post something that dumb.

Comment Yep, SharePoint is a failure.....oh brother...... (Score 4, Insightful) 225

Talk about sour grapes......

Whether every single SharePoint CAL that was purchased is actually in use, is irrelevant to the point of ridicule.

Did they sell it? Did someone BUY it? THEN COUNT it, baby!

Instead of bitching, someone should be crediting Microsoft for how they manage their CALs and bundling.

This is like arguing over how many copies of MS Paint are used on a daily basis. It hardly matters. Microsoft sold it, and pocketed the income, which is cash that most likely WONT go to a SharePoint competitor, whether SharePoint gets used or not.

Comment You are the problem. (Score 1, Insightful) 146

First, you seem to admit that unless your company allows you to use THEIR property for YOUR personal use, then you are unmotivated to do more than the minimum amount of work required.

Whether you make the company money or not, is completely irrelevant. You get PAID to do what you do; you are owed nothing beyond your check and whatever else is listed on your stub, baby.

The fact that you get paid, means that you likely have the means to purchase YOUR OWN laptop, on which to conduct your personal business, but no.......fuck them, right?

The fact is, they CAN have it both ways, not YOU. Most professionals work from a sense of personal pride, and do what they feel is necessary to get the job done, not as barter for perks.

My guess, is that you are probably no where near as successful as you think you are, but if you would like to find out, why not post your screed on your Linked In page, and see how many employers (including your current one) are enamored with your attitude.

Here is a clue; NOBODY successful gives a shit about 60 hours, because they dont count them. They just get things done, and look for more to do.

Comment Re:The Killer App? In-n-Out Burger, baby. (Score 1) 111

Did the word BURGER escape you?

For those of you who dont know what an In n Out Burger Double-Double is, it is simply the most delicious cheeseburger you can find for the money. I realize that 99 percent of the world does not live or work near an In n Out Burger location, but that is your unfortunate problem.

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