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Comment Re:Google Voice (Score 2) 619

I have found the the "beta" spam feature of google voice does a good job of filtering out crap calls. Also, every cell phone that I have used for the past 10 years has had caller ID. I just don't answer calls that I don't recognize. If it's important, they'll leave a voicemail.

Another lesser known use for Google is to type in the number in question and getting some type of listing for them. That way...if they leave a can call them back if you like or just let them hang in the wind. Even if the number isn't specific to a listing...for instance a telemarketer or bill collector...others have been harassed as well and will complain online about it.

Had my roommate see me do this with a number which wasn't in my phone book. He was amazed you could use Google to find a phone number/name/complaints of callers. Been doing this for years and works great...just fight the urge to answer the call until after you can see who it was. Means...guys waste your time and's my phone and I choose who I want to deal with.

Comment Re:Drag the call out (Score 1) 212

Think the longest was a bit over an hour before I got bored with it.

Another way to handle this is start throwing out phrases in other languages. Pissed off a girl years ago with these two phrases..."No Habla English" and "No Habla Espanol". She kept switching between each language...then it would be the other language. She hung up and called back a few minutes she got it again in German and Russian. This time...she didn't call back since I wasted about 10 minutes of her time.

If you really wanted to play with callers from India...start doing the same thing in their language and several others from the area. Can't be too difficult to tell them you don't speak English in their own language.

Comment Re:An episode of Penn & Teller's Bullshit says (Score 1) 668

Then someone claims vaccines cause bad, scary things which plants doubt in their minds so they do a risk evaluation in their head. They know autism is bad. They probably have seen someone with autism. They have probably never seen someone with measles or whooping cough, though. Their brain tries to come up with a "bad disease" and they think of the flu. So would a lifetime of autism be worse than a week of fever and coughing? Sure. So skip the vaccines.

Having had a sister pass away from pneumonia from either mumps or measles (doesn't matter since both can now be vaccinated against)...have also worked extensively with autistic children. Have seen both ends of the this discussion.

The point is that many of these autistic children have their infirmity because not of an imagined threat which can be pointed to...but because either/both of the parents have bad genetics. It's too tough for many people to even consider that something outside of their control (other than not having children or having an abortion once you find out) is the cause of their children's disability. Parents don't want to hear or understand that if they didn't want to have an autistic child...they should have never had sex and gotten pregnant in the first place. By not controlling your urges to have children...the parents are the ones who caused their child to develop autism...NOT a vaccine.

Comment Re:It's a shame... (Score 1) 668

It is shocking how stupid some people can be.

The vaccine isn't 100% effective, there are very few things which are. According to the National Network for Immunization Information one vaccination is 95% and two is 99.7% effective. The U.S. started giving 2 shots in 1989. That probably means there are between 10 and 15 million people in the U.S. who received the vaccine who are still vulnerable to Measles.

Now, I do have a degree in Mathematics so you can take my word on the fact that a 0.3% is much less than 100%. There is a 0.01% of a child having a reaction, and a 0.00001% of a child having a severe reaction, and 0.000001% of a child having an anaphylactic reaction.

The only problem I see in your odds is the number who MAY die or suffer something life changing are they are the ones who get the attention of the spotlight and finding the sleaziest lawyer they can find for a payoff. In terms of the circumstantial "evidence" she claims to have...we have a former playmate who CLAIMS to be an authority on vaccinations. Didn't know she had medical degree or other professional training...other than being able to look good for the camera and possibly give a decent BJ and a romp-in-the-hay. In that case...she's the one I want to contact and get her help. Even that UK doctor has who started this BS has had his medical license revoked.

Comment Re:Measles is no big deal? Bullshit. (Score 1) 668

I don't see why there's such a big screaming panic about a disease that gives you spots and a bit of a temperature, and a couple of days off school...

Because for about two per thousand cases, it causes meningitis which kills about half of the affected patients, leaving many of the survivors brain damaged for life. For quite a few who don't get meningitis, it causes blindness and deafness (measles was the #1 cause of both in the 50s.) Because it causes pneumonia of the "hospitalized for days" variety in up to 30% of cases (and before oxygen therapy, IV fluids, and antibiotics killed about 10% of patients.)

Forgot to mention that catching this and other childhood diseases as an adult can also mean sterilization.

Personally...having seen too many of today's parents and their kids and what brats they are...that may not be such a bad conclusion. At least the gene pool will get some cleaning...some college girls will make some extra money from donating eggs and may have a better educated population. That is unless the most stupid ones are the ones to survive and have the kids.

Comment Re:Same here - 3.x or bust... Firebug REALLY hates (Score 1) 247

Sorry guys - I hate the idea of Chrome as much as any privacy lover would, and I love certain addons (Adblock/NoScript/Firebug/etc.), but as a web dev FF4+ just isn't cutting it. Unless one of these new version fix those issues, I have to leave FF behind. It's now wasting my time on the job.

Fortunately...I found many of the same addons for Chrome that I was using in FF. Don't get me wrong...have been using and am used to FF...but when I have to wait for my quad-core to catch up to whatever I'm doing in FF...something had to went with Chrome and the problems went away.

Whenever I read that FF gets their act together and it starts acting like Chrome/Opera/IE...I will start using it again.

Comment Re:Happy FF8 user here (Score 1) 247

It uses way less memory and is way faster.

The Windows version still has massive memory leaks. Before switching to Chrome for Windows and Linux...Firefox was lagging and not responding every 7-10 seconds...then catching up when it decided to do something. Thought it was my cable modem & squirrel eaten coax...but after getting Chrome...doesn't happen at all. Have used Firefox for years...but nothing this buggy needs to be allowed out into the open. Even IE8/9 doesn't pull this garbage.

Comment Re:we need to dissolve DHS (Score 1) 158

If anything, the odds of dying in a terrorist attack are so remote in a given year that things really haven't changed. Mundane reasons for death, like car accidents, medical problems, even run-of-the-mill personal homicide massively dwarf terrorism.

DHS and post 9/11 is what you get when you have people who are legends in their own minds overestimate their own importance. No matter what you are not unique nor special and are replaceable. By not believing have all ready deluded matter what your mother lied to you about.

Comment Re:Classic example of the "species problem" (Score 1) 406

One of the problems here in saying whether Neanderthal's are a different species to Homo Sapiens is that the word species is poorly defined. It's actually been a problem since Darwin's day, gives an idea of how long we've been arguing this. Personally if I feel if they were routinely successfully breeding with homo sapiens then calling them a separate species may be a bit of a stretch.

Does that mean that since I was always told I was found under a rock...have rocks for brains and having a stubborn streak which makes me rock headed that I'm part of the suspected missing link for silicon based lifeforms?

Comment Re:this is a screw the little guy argument (Score 1) 949

I have also made the argument that with all the tax breaks that state/county/local governments give away to businesses...there is no reason to go after individual taxpayers for taxes at all. For instance...I was living in Phoenix when they put the vote up for the professional football stadium to have the citizens pay for this stadium...rather than the owners/stockholders of the team. I and too many people never had any use of this stadium...but the sales tax was increased to make sure the owners/stockholders got a free ride. Even worse is that if the owners decide to hop out of town during the middle of the night...taxpayers are still on the hook for the bill...rather than the owners. When corporate welfare goes away...then come talk to me about needing additional taxes. You want to give these multi-millionaires my tax money to make them happy and give them a free ride paid for by me...go stand in the corner and talk to it about how you need my tax money that bad.

Comment Re:It is not necessarily the MBA per se (Score 2) 487

Saw this happen about 10-15 years ago in a former American PC maker. Every six would get a visit from a new hoard of VP's. Each would have millions at their disposal and "new" ideas on how to maximize profits. The results would be millions and time wasted...employees blamed for their failure and fired. The worst part is these VP's would walk down the street to another company and do exactly the same thing in another company. Seeing the writing on the wall...I got out after the fourth set of VP's did their damage and most of my fellow employees were fired/quit when times when downhill. Looking to the was acquired about five years ago by a Asian PC manufacturer.

Comment Re:You need different kinds of people (Score 1) 487

Too bad jr bush wasn't the only one I've ever met like what you described. Seems like almost every manager I've ever met or been forced to sell my soul/ethics/morals to are the ones who are the used car salesperson. Seems like it's this way in almost every American business and we pride ourselves in this?

Comment Re:Phone's gone, followed by cops' innocence. (Score 1) 983

Hopefully the cops end up paying tons of cash to replace the phones, along with whatever criminal penalties come from their actions.

Used to date a lady who worked in law enforcement in Oklahoma. She told me if a cop is convicted...he serves his time in Kentucky to keep them out of the hands of people he/she may have arrested. If this is the case...hopefully...they'll serve time in some place like Arizona where it's hot and their former reputation follows them. Arizona in summer is 120 degrees plus and they run private prisons facing federal scrutiny over civil rights and such violations.

Anyway...I don't care how bad of a bad a$$ you think you were/are...there are always bigger and badder bad a$$es who will change your mind. The difference...your gun and badge is gone and you're a former cop.

Comment Re:Very interesting information (Score 1) 190

"Computer programs and video games distributed in formats that have become obsolete and that require the original media or hardware as a condition of access, when circumvention is accomplished for the purpose of preservation or archival reproduction of published digital works by a library or archive. A format shall be considered obsolete if the machine or system necessary to render perceptible a work stored in that format is no longer manufactured or is no longer reasonably available in the commercial marketplace.

This would be true if there were no other machines you could purchase which would play these game cartridges. Right now on several online sites...I can buy for about $40-50 US machines with the ability to play NES/SNES cartridges. Since you can find these games used at garage sales...used game stores or numerous other can purchase a new machine which will allow you to play's an EPIC FAIL using this part of copyright law to prove the point the guy was using code which wasn't his to make money.

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