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Comment Re:Nice company you got there... (Score 1) 9

Since when ? There are many people that should be behind bars here. One of the most iconic case where the "justice" has been bought: Bernard Arnault (LVMH) hired former secret services Squarcini (former, but still using his former connections) to spy on François Ruffin, his very small newspaper Fakir and some employees. The price for tranquillity ? 10 millions €. While Squarcini is still investigated and sued.
In the same time, that's jail for protesters, or people who steal food because they starve, not earning enough to eat.
This week, that a journalist who published proofs of crime by the French defense department. Now, police, justice and government are going after the sources. Democracy you said ? Ah ah ah.
We need another July 14th, but will we have enough guillotines ?
I know, I know, right after panem et circenses.

Comment Starving (Score 1) 209

For me, that's the key word.
It's been a simple capitalistic, neo-liberal recipe :

- cut funding, push employees out, "forget" pay raises
- say "oh, look, it's not doing well, we must save money"
- rince-repeat

Apply to education, transportation (trains, buses) ...
Since they did it sooner than us in England, they now realize how dumb it was. And, last I heard, they are thinking of nationalizing back trains companies
Ah, and healthcare: in France, many ER had to close, because of a lack of personnel, nobody wants to work that lot for less and less money (remember ? Inflation). And dozens if not hundreds of people died this summer, waiting in corridors on hand-barrows, sometimes for more than 40 hours.

When done, in the end, give it all to the private sector.
Yes, I was talking about public services. The private sector has nothing to worry about so far. In France, we're at a f**cking insane level of free money: around 200 billons € every years. Cut few taxes^Wcontribution to national solidarity here, give free money to create job but forget accountability there, etc.

Capitalism, neo-liberalism kills

Comment WD, definitely WD (Score 3, Insightful) 28

I know, we all have our specific bad batch. And on the other side, we all know that guy that say : "I never had any problem with the IBM 75GXP nor the 60GXP".

But ...

The worst in my case : Seagate. I used their drives for more than 10 years, ending the series with 3 x 10TB Ironwolf. Believe it or not, I began to have strange bugs and crash on this computer running Linux 24/7, while the S.M.A.R.T. parameters (the ones linked to the drive health, reallocated sectors, etc) were ramping up (and that started right after the first power on).
I changed almost everything, SATA cables, CPU/MoBo/RAM, first price GPU just for text console, power supply, the case too, even running the whole computer outside a case. Still crashing.
I replaced the 3 Seagate drives by 3 WD Gold. Since then, it's running like a charm, no crash at all, and all the S.M.A.R.T. parameters are quiet, staying at zero.

Special note for the Baracuda and Baracuda XT. I have some 3TB that seem much more reliable than all the other Seagate I had.

Seeing those Backblaze stats comfort me, WD and only WD now, even if they are a bit more expensive.

Comment Re:They host GoFundMe? Hope there's damage (Score 1) 28

"La révolution". Or may be "La Révolution" if you refer to the most famous one

Things have changed since 1789. As many others, we are internet drug addicts, very good for revolution through keyboard. But that's not going very far.
And those who have the guns, or weapons, now are the police and the hunters, both fascists and on ma€ron's side. Wait, I forgot to count those who are not policemen nor hunters, but are just fascists.

By the way, what's authorizing you to call UN Blue Helmets homos ? Would you say that face to face to one of them ? And even then, what if he/she really were homo ?

Comment They host GoFundMe? Hope there's damage (Score 0) 28

A little bit of topic, but I don't care, GoFundMe is implicated, I hope they suffered from this, they deserve it.
GFM has been hosting the "cagnote de la honte" completely against their own policies, so fuck them.

Comparison :

- during the "yellow vests / jackets" protest, Christophe Dettinger took the defense of a woman who was being beaten on the ground by a cop. He did this bare hand, using his experience of former boxer, against a fully armored robocop (with no brain this one). This was very pleasing to see all these cops cowardly falling back under the punches of one and only one man. C.D. was identified, and tried, and go sentenced to prison. There was a Leetchi or something founding, but it took no more than two day for the government to shut down

- recently, a cop killed a 17 y.o.. Without video, we would not know it was a cold blood murder. A far right racist false journalist created a GoFundMe. For the killer cop. Again, completely against their own policies. Guess how long it took for the government or GoFundMe to shutdown this? They didn't.

How many were killed, wounded or jailed because there was no video? #lapolicetue

For those who didn't know: ma€ron is a fascist psychopath narcissistic perverse. Please send UN Blue Helmets.

Comment Re:Accused ? (Score 1) 76

Writing "ma€ron" is the best way to not forget where he come from and who he is working for (among others, there's Rothschild). It's shorter than "the psychopath narcissistic perverse (check many analysis of his personality) fascist (he wanted to rehabilitate pétain who was accomplice to jew deportation) president that does everything he can to make his friends more rich (less taxes for them) and put all the efforts on the people". If you want to call that childish, so be it.

Our constitution has been put in place by a general, with a lot of possibility for him to retain power. But with ma€ron, it's not about governing a country, it's about "how can I twist each and every article of the constitution, and squeeze any advantage to push my plan further". Clearly not the state of mind of those who followed the Général de Gaule (Pompidou, Giscard d'Estaing, Mitterrand, Chirac; it has been getting worse since sarkozy)

I hope you'll admit that putting faith in our institution like you do is at least as childish. Is the world black and white for you ? Every politician is clean and want to do the best for the people ? The ma€ron government is the most corrupt one we ever had. There are investigations upon most of its members. And don't tell me "innocent until proven guilty". Evidences are more than enough. But our institutions are working "so well" that it can last years, and more often dozen of them, to take them to court. Take the case of sarkozy: almost 15 or 20 years, and he's still not behind bars. I'll remember you, among many other things, that he took 50 millions € of bribery from Gaddafi. He welcomed him, even allowing him to set his tent where he wanted. And then start a war to get him killed with the hope to hide the dust under the rug. And guess who's in charge of the Ministry of Justice nowadays ? A friend of one of his lawyer Herzog, also investigated: Dupond-Moretti

I don't have more time to explain how corrupt and twisted are the election and the medias, nor how it's not as simple as "just vote otherwise next time". It's going so bad currently that it's possible we event don't have a "next time".

Comment Re:Accused ? (Score 1) 76

Yes, this one.
But you must draw a red line between the two types of votes:

- our representatives never had the opportunity to vote for or against the law. In other words, they never had the opportunity to do their job, the one we elected them for
- born€ (prime minister) followed ma€ron orders and activated the article 49-3 : whether you agree or not, the law is passed, shut up, go back to your homes, nothing to see. This opened a window for a motion of censure

But the votes are not the same in both cases.

In the first case, ma€ron knew he would have lost because enough representative were willing to vote against the law. It would have been rejected and ma€ron humiliated. That, he cannot stand, he always want to be the one humiliating. He can't bear conter-powers.
In the case of the motion of censure, only the vote in favor of the censure are counted this way. Votes against the censure or abstentions are the same. And 7 cowards at least had a very important appointment at the pool and could not vote against ma€ron. Understandable: they are stuck between their brain (when they have one) and their side (right or far right, or right on paper but far right in facts).

(I hope it's clear enough, that's not easy to explain for a French, and that's not a field I'm comfortable with in English)

In any case, there never was a vote from our representatives regarding this law.
In addition, any amendment voted during the previous parliament and senate session (few were little improvments) were cancelled by the 49-3.

ma€ron's next target: health care and hospitals, were people die in emergencies corridors, on stretchers (hand-barrow is a better work perhaps?), after few days waiting for a room, and more important, for care.

Remember that :
- 93 % of the workers are against this law
- +/- 70 % of the people
- each and every reason the government exposed in favor of this law has been destroyed, nuked by facts
- and in the recent weeks, we learned that they even lied by counting some incomes twice

What kind of representatives do we have if they cannot realize how much 93 and 70 % means?

Comment Re:Accused ? (Score 2) 76

Definition of dictatorship : "shut up !"
Definition of democratie : "speak, we don't care"
(in French : "ta gueule" vs "cause toujours")

So, your point is that we vote every 5 years and then, it's open bar for the ... Well, let's say "elected" one for the moment.
What about our representatives that don't get a single chance to represent us ? ma€ron doesn't have the majority at the parliament, so he's using every single loophole, defect of the constitution to overrule the parliament votes.
Recently, the parliament president changed her mind after getting orders from ma€ron, about the use of article 40. Which is totally wrong in itself because she should have been responsible for the separation between executive and legislative power. Instead, she just follow orders.

I'm not a specialist of the matter, and I would have a hard time explaining it in English here. But there are way to influence an election. Especially through the media. 9 billionaires have control over 90 % of the French medias. The one who pays the band chose the song.

Last but not least, after getting the duel he hoped for at the presidential elections (ma€ron vs far right), after begging for "barrage" ("vote for me, don't let the far right pass"), he said : "your vote obliges me". That lasted the time it took to say the words. From then, ma€ron made a far right policy.

Comment Accused ? (Score 4, Interesting) 76

I think we are way past this suspicion.
ma€ron has proven he his authoritarian since years.

Question: regarding the recent retirement law, how many times our representatives had the opportunity to vote ?
Answer : zero, none, never, peau de balle, nada, mes couilles

Was it illegal then ?
No. The process was constitutional.
How is it possible ?
By using rarely, if never, used constitution articles : one the speed up the "debates" (I means, more speedy than the usual urgent), one to stop debating and vote immediately in senate, another in parliament that in substance says : "shut up all, the government had had enough, we (ma€ron) decide that the law is adopted".
The last one was used because they new that if there has been a real vote, they would have lose it.

Please don't count the motion of censure that followed : it is just an attempt the tell the government "you piece of shit, go to hell with your law". I can't remember one motion of censure that passed. This one was so close : 7 more voters for it and ma€ron would have been in a pretty deep shit.

About our constitution : remember when and who build it. The general De Gaule. And it has quickly been called "le coup d'état permanent" (the permanent coup ?) And remember to distinguish what's legal and what's just.

Comment So Americans Behave Just Like Children ? (Score 2) 202

Unsupervised, they watch TV, play video games, instead of working ? Sounds a lot like teenagers.

Here in France, before remote work, we already were among the most productive workers (yes, I hear you, always on holidays, or strike. No, not just French are always on strike, and about holidays, that's not how it works, we are productive, even with this amount of holidays, or may be _because_ of this amount of holidays, think about it).
But remote work is work, and for many people, it means being more productive : no commuting time, you can start working earlier even when getting out of bed later, no need for fancy dressing (where needed or where people care more about how you look than your work), you can start working in your pyjamas, working late without the boss knowing, etc.

This is how stupid it has become for my wife : she has to go to the office two days per week. There, she has to find a free desk, because they switched to flexoffice (nice one), then, she has meetings, often, but since some other colleagues couldn't come (or didn't wanted to, or ...), it must be done in visio. So she has to find a meeting room, but there are few available, often none. So they find themselves meeting from there small desk, sometime with one of the other colleagues in her back. And one has to cut his mike because it generates echo ...

TL;DR in her case, going to the office is a pain in the ass, and as inefficient as her bosses are stupid.

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