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Comment Re:What about the insurance file? (Score 3, Insightful) 837

Step back out of the land of speculation. What is known about the insurance file:

* It's 1.4 GB
* It's encrypted with AES-256
* If anybody has the key they haven't published it.

What you can reasonably infer: It's information the gov. doesn't want released, providing Assange with "insurance".

Unless you have AES-256 goggles that let you peer through the encryption I would hesitate to comment in further detail on the contents of the file and therefore the moral character of the man who published it.

Comment Re:I'm sure... (Score 3, Informative) 269

In addition, Adobe is probably maintaining their version. From the GIMP resynthesizer website:

8/10/2009: I haven't really been keeping up with API changes in the GIMP, or with emails people send me. If you emailed me and I haven't replied, I'm sorry. If you want to take over as maintainer of this project, email me. Other emails will probably continue to sit unread in my inbox.

That would be as of August last year...

Comment Re:I don't buy this (Score 1) 307

Dropping anything normal for 24 hours is weird. I had a friend in high school (one of them cross-country folks) who would run a few miles each morning before school. One day he didn't, and there was a marked difference in his personality until he ran home (a distance of 5 miles) afterwards. He seemed mentally slower to respond than normal, yet craved physical activity. Was he "addicted" to running?

Actually, he might have been mildly so. Running makes you feel good because it stimulates the release of endorphins (a portmanteau of its earlier name, "endogenous morphine"). A runner's high actually is a high.

Comment Re:Virtual Box (Score 3, Insightful) 261

Great idea. Make the students waste their time fucking around just getting the thing up and running so they can start studying while every day the quarter slips away more and more. A virtual image is a great idea - hardware incompatibilities can happen at any level of the system (kernel,, HAL/DeviceKit/CUPS/SANE regressions, etc, etc), so I think a good working knowledge of Linux is probably a prerequisite to troubleshooting hardware incompatibilities. Let the students actually understand what the kernel is and how modules work before making them go fetch sources to compile kernel modules.

Comment Re:Way to go (Score 4, Informative) 279

From the article:

I’ll note: this has nothing to do with dark matter. As it happens, 90% of the matter in the Universe is in a form that emits no light, but affects other matter through gravity. We know it exists, and you can find out why here. We know it exists locally, in nearby galaxies and clusters of galaxies, too. This new result doesn’t affect that, since the now un-hidden galaxies are very far away, like many billions of light years away. They can’t possibly affect nearby galaxies, so they don’t account for dark matter.

This will change the ratio of luminous matter:dark matter but not eliminate dark matter entirely.

Not that you said that it would necessarily get rid of dark matter, but it was a conclusion that suggested itself from the summary's wording.

Comment Re:Curious to how this relates to the US. (Score 1) 363

Very correct, although of course now that the argument that a web cache doesn't constitute possession has been made in one court system it might be possible to adapt the argument for another, and hopefully it will happen. It's utterly insane that somebody should be held legally liable for the contents of their cache.

Comment Poppycock! (Score 2, Interesting) 425

'That's far too young to be thrown into an environment with college students who are about 18 to 23 years old. ... Most of them are just not mature enough to handle that,' says Mary Anderson, headmaster of Pinkerton Academy."

Speaking as a 19-year old who is attending a community college with a high enrolment of under-18's (via the Running Start program) I can say with full confidence that a lot of them are quite capable of handling it. They tend to place into the same classes as most freshmen anyways, they do about as well, and most of them adjust quite easily to the community college culture.

CC is easy stuff, not much harder than high school in the first place. I think this is a great move - it's at least worth a try.

Comment Re:Thanks again NYCL (Score 1) 163

This is why we should care. I know that it's clichéd, but these companies care nothing about you, or about music, or about the well-being of the world in which they operate. They are wholly evil, in a way that almost no other business is.

What other companies _actually_ care about the consumer, the product they sell, or the world in which they operate? Modern society boils all of business down to a search for short-term profit. Consumers only matter because they have wallets, products only matter because they need to open the consumer's wallets somehow, and the world at large only matters when it begins being bad for business.

Comment Re:lifetime achievement award (Score 1) 54

What sexist crap! I want lesbian porn for lesbians.

The market of lesbian porn for lesbians is, I imagine, pretty small in comparison to the market for lesbian porn for heterosexual males. The whole porn industry is geared towards what will sell to the maximum number of people for the lowest investment of time, effort, and/or bodily fluids.

Comment Re:Yeah, but it's France.... (Score 1) 254

It's all about troop movement. Where did England colonize? America, India, and East Africa. All accessible via sea-routes. And for the more inconveniently-located colonies (East Africa) it was a neat coincidence that they weren't all that technologically advanced or well-organized, so it's not like they exactly needed many troops.

But getting troops to Russia is a bit of a tough nut to crack when you're in France, especially when the Black Sea route is carved up between Turks and Russians, and the northerly sea-route just sucks ass all-around. Pretty much the best way to invade Russia (not that there's any good way to do it: but probably the least-worst) from France is overland, and that means you have all of Europe to wade through. And countries are notorious for not being all that excited about just letting foreign troops waltz right through.

Though it's not exactly like Napoleon started his campaigns with the intent of conquering Russia; he got drunk with power and success after conquering or bringing under his influence most of Europe, and, realizing the troop-movement problem was solved and always being game for bringing more land under his direct control, figured Russia might make a good addition to the French empire.

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