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Comment Re:If they weren't so pretty (Score 1) 584

Rather then attempt to go down that road, why don't you tell me some of things that you think you can do on your OS that you can't do on OS X?

Pretty much if you have the know how if you can do it on another *nix system you can do it on Mac OS X.

If I have to I can even run most (all?) Intel based systems on Mac OS X under a virtual machine.

In fact Apple doesn't restrict a damn thing on my computer. If I don't want to play by the App Store games I don't have to.... And to the paranoid I'm pretty sure I'll never have to. Apple has no need and no desire to lock down OS X (They have iOS for that). They do have a responsibility to provide a reliable secure system though. Also as for the App Store... It's Apples store... they can do whatever the hell they want with it. Oh I for one agree with sandboxing apps. I don't think Apple has it all figured out right now, and I think this is the reason they pushed the date back. Ultimately they will try to find a balance between developers and users, and based on history they will error on the side of pissing off developers rather then users. Developers will complain as they have for the past >20 years about how Apple doesn't respect them or some such nonsense.

Comment Re:Permissions conspicuous by their absence (Score 1) 584

Apple has always had undocumented API's that developers were supposed to avoid. Android also has undocumented API's that developers aren't supposed to use. Do you know why...

A. because the API is in flux and utilizing these API's may cause you App to break (with unexpected, potentially bad results) as they mature.
B. they utilize sensitive services and pose a high risk for abuse.

Comment Re:Stupid (Score 1) 584

As more and more applications rely on distributed data then the risk of some third party injecting malevolent data or tasks into the stream becomes a higher risk.

This isn't about saying that a developer is bad, or a user is doing something wrong, this is about someone else entirely having the power to inject their nasties in the middle. Sandboxing doesn't prevent this from happening (since this is happening outside the box) it does though restrict that damage that such a task could do.

BTW this sort of attack while currently rare, is on the rise and it has little to do with how smart you are as a user or what antivirus software you are using.

Comment Re:Why is this such a bad thing? (Score 1) 584

"...detrimental to the users..."

I've yet to see an intelligent balanced argument to support this general statement. Yes, there have been things here or there that may have adversely affected some users in some way, but usually as a trade off for helping more users or providing more helpful services.

Anyway let me fix this for you... I believe what you meant to say is "...detrimental to certain ideologies..."

It's perfectly natural to be worried when the illusion of control is wrestled away from you, but the question is, did you really have that control to begin with?

People keep throwing Android around here as the open, free counter to Apple, but Android only provides the illusion of control, and in this way is much more devious in my mind. Android is controlled by Google, new releases are controlled by Google and the devices are controlled by the manufactures and service providers. This is not an open system... If it was open then why don't I have the latest version of Android running on Evo 4G?

Comment ...User error... (Score 1) 831

Clearly this is all about user error.

First, use macports or fink, not both.

Second, if you are concerned with the kernel for web development you are doing it wrong.

Textmate is interesting, but BBEdit is fantastic. I've yet to find a GUI text editor that matches it. Oh yea Vim works well too.

BTW Apple has clear instructions on installing postgreSQL on their website (which is installed with Mac OS X server by BTW) and there are frequent releases of MacPython as binaries.

If pressed install Linux on a VM and get the best of both worlds.

Comment Re:No sympathy here, sorry (Score 1) 844

Thank you Mr. Constitutional scholar, now would you be so kind as to point out which violations of the Constitution he exposed? I'm not saying laws may not have been broken, and it seems that some rules of engagement where violated (which BTW happens just about 100% on both sides in any armed conflict), But there is nothing I have seen that is a clear violation of the Constitution. (and by this I mean the actual Constitution, not the "Constitution" that is thrown around by both extreme these days).

Comment Re:Putting the snideness of the summary aside... (Score 1) 663

You make it sound like Google doesn't care about making money, of course they do. In this case they are supporting there own product (which is not only inferior in amny ways, but more signifcantly lacks the wide spread hardware support of H.264) so they can not pay for supporting H.264, a better well supported standard which, while not free, is free to users and reasonable for media developers.

If it was really about "openess" then Google should have dumped Flash at the same time.

Comment Surprise: This is a Profit Center for Google. (Score 1) 434

I was at Google I/O this year and my immediate reaction to Google TV is that this is just a way for Google to make ad revenue instead of the (or at very least in addition to) the Networks. Google does a lot of cool stuff, but in the end everything they do, they do to generate Ad revenue, and TV ad revenue eclipses Web revenue by quite a bit so Google want's in.

Comment Not About Jailbreaking! (Score 1) 381

This patent isn't about jailbreaking, it's about disabling a stolen devices. The point is to detect usage trends or biometrics of the intended user and if the device detects anomalies it can act upon them by locating, disabling or other things to protect the data and possible recover the device.

Allegedly Apple is also working on something like this so rather then logging in every time another user users a device.

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