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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 18 declined, 2 accepted (20 total, 10.00% accepted)

United States

Submission + - Tennessee Has Meth Offender Registry

WeeBit writes: Everyone knows about the Sex Offender list... But a Meth Offender list? Tennessee is one of three States to have a meth offender list online. Is this the wave of the future? Will other States keep a watchful eye to see how these three States fair in fighting drugs? I must admit, it is a good way to see where this drug may be in your area. But is it going too far? Or should they make public online all drug offenders? I can't help but think if all States did this which ones would be the worse off? Plus I believe it would open many eyes to what is going on around them, and to be a shock to many.
http://www.wrcbtv.com/news/index.cfm?sid=3405 Reported by Will Carr
http://www.tennesseeanytime.org/methor/ meth list
The Internet

Submission + - Does A EULA Wipe Out Fair Use Provisions?

WeeBit writes: Can a EULA override your First Amendment rights?

Culver City Forces Users to Waive Free Speech Rights

Courtesy of Dave Weinberger, I came across this item from First Amendment attorney John Mitchell that seems too bad to be true, but it is. Culver City, CA is offering its citizens free Wi-Fi service, but there's one big hitch: users formally agree to give up their First Amendment rights before using the network.

http://www.ipdemocracy.com/archives/001897culver_c ity_forces_users_to_waive_free_speech_rights.php

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