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Comment Re:And this is why people should hope it succeeds (Score 0) 271

Last.FM. Sorry Voltaire, Abney Park and Lemon Demon riding in the latest Gundam suits couldn't defeat Roger Waters. And I don't even care for Roger Waters that much, but I can see it's true. And have you seen Madonna in person? She's got albino leather skin at least 2 inches thick. I doubt she'd notice a direct attack by Lemon Demon unless they happened to push a latino love boy out of her field of vision...

Comment Simple system. (Score 0) 825

I nice fun dog. It doesn't have to be an attack dog. It helps if it is a smart dog. Or a dog that you're very afraid of, those aren't as much fun, but very effective. Replace all your crappy door locks with real professional grade door locks. Upgrade your door jams so they can't be kicked in thus negating the effectiveness of your awesome new locks. Some alarm system stickers for your windows. A couple fake video cameras. You've spent maybe a few hundred dollars, and prevented 99% of all criminals from invading your home, and you have a new friend (the dog), or possibly a terrifying dog that you can use to intimidate Jehovah's witnesses.

Comment Re:If you've nothing to hide... (Score -1, Flamebait) 878

and it's pedantic stupid comments like yours that are leading this country straight into the shitter. instead of commenting/adding something to a real debate, you'd rather go off on, "oh shiny" and let the brave smart leaders take care of you and yours. i wonder if you'd not be paying attention to the real matter if it was your son/daughter/self being faced with 16 years in prison for doing NOTHING. fuck you'd probably not notice because you'd be too busy reading the badge to notice the cell door slamming. fucking idiot.

Comment lol.. no shit... (Score 0) 422

you mean there are people who don't like their jobs? no fucking way. hobbies are for fun. work is to pay the bills. if you just so happen to be able to do both, good for you. for the remaining 99% of the population, quit crying and put on your fucking helmet, these new damn tps cover sheets don't put themselves on...

Comment Re:A few bad apples (Score 0) 597

I've known a LOT of cops in my life. My best friend's dad was the chief of police in smalltown usa. THEY ARE ALL DOUCHEBAGS. THEY ARE ALL CRIMINALS. THEY ARE ALL IN IT FOR THEIR OWN SELFISH INTERESTS. THEY WILL ALL LIE, STEAL, INTIMIDATE AND SADISTICLY FLAUNT THEIR POWER AT A MOMENTS NOTICE. I've know good guys who hypocritically joined "the force" and soon became another douchebag cop. I know they've got a shitty job to do, and I know that it pays for shit, and that they get treated like shit, and that it's dangerous (for a FEW), but that still doesn't make their actions any less reprehensible. I know someone out there has to do the job, and I don't know how to fix the system, but the system is SERIOUSLY FUBAR. Living in St. Louis I once got into an arguement with a security officer, mind you, not a police "person". I did nothing illegal. I only told the guard my opinion. Then I made him look like a little bitch in front of a lot of people. Then I came back the next day and let him get in my face. After again making him look like a little bitch in front of even more people he hit me. I never even got out of my car until the police arrived, yet I was arrested, handcuffed and taken to jail. Upon arrival at said jail, the ranking officer on duty asked me where I was from and after I told him, he called me a fucking hillbilly and said I couldn't get away with that shit in his town (lol, like St. Louis was his "turf"). Little did any of these fucktards know, I recorded everything on 2 different phones and a personal audio recorder which they failed to take from me. It was awesome once I got to court. Yet nothing happened to any of the officers. NOT ONE THING. I moved shortly afterwards. To quote the great poet, Ice Cube, "Fuck the Police".

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