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Comment Re:He's also right (Score 0) 502

C is so far from the processor, it's not funny any more. Not only do compilers have macros and optimizations that completely mutate the code, but CPUs have their own virtual stack (and cache) in between that shuffles things every which way but right. And in between, you have operating systems that abstract everything from memory management to scheduling. Long gone are the days when C got anywhere near the "bare metal".

Comment Re:Unfamiliar? (Score 1) 379

That is entangled with the government? Actually, it's much worse everywhere else. The French television network is no doubt tied much more explicitly to the government than any in the in the USA (besides PBS). And most places (like Great Britain) really only have 1 government owned and operated broadcast system. Actually, there has been a limited amount of private television operations in Britain (only in the last 15 years), but they're are still strongly controlled by the government much more so than the FCC in America.

Comment Re:so? (Score 3, Insightful) 343

Microsoft and it's employees *are* the community. Believe it or not, real live people (often citizens) work at corporations. Microsoft employees paid the taxes that will fund the overpass. (Actually, I think the supposed overpass has already existed for about 10 years.) And don't worry about the other projects in the state of Washington that *need* it more. They wouldn't get funded anyway no matter what. They haven't yet, and there's been plenty of money in the state budget for a long time now.

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