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Balancing Choice With Irreversible Consequences In Games 352

The Moving Pixels blog has an article about the delicate balance within video games between giving players meaningful choices and consequences that cannot necessarily be changed if the player doesn't like her choice afterward. Quoting: "One of my more visceral experiences in gaming came recently while playing Mass Effect 2, in which a series of events led me to believe that I'd just indirectly murdered most of my crew. When the cutscenes ended, I was rocking in my chair, eyes wide, heart pounding, and as control was given over to me once more, I did the only thing that I thought was reasonable to do: I reset the game. This, of course, only led to the revelation that the event was preordained and the inference that (by BioWare's logic) a high degree of magical charisma and blue-colored decision making meant that I could get everything back to normal. ... Charitably, I could say BioWare at least did a good job of conditioning my expectations in such a way that the game could garner this response, but the fact remains: when confronted with a consequence that I couldn't handle, my immediate player's response was to stop and get a do-over. Inevitability was only something that I could accept once it was directly shown to me."

Comment Re:Haskell (Score 1) 728

It appears you are not familiar with Haskell or [this][].

I'm more familiar with Haskell than I'd like to be, thank you. What I meant is that programmers shouldn't use the horrible syntax you use in math for programming, e.G. no "funny" characters, descriptive names and all that.

Comment Haskell (Score 3, Interesting) 728

Haskell supports various unicode characters as operators and it makes me wanna to puke. IMO one of the great things about programming nowadays is that you can use descriptive names without feeling bad. Single character identifiers from different alphabets are something that rub me the wrong way in mathematics. Keep 'em out of my programming languages!

Bullshit from the article:

Unicode has the entire gamut of Greek letters, mathematical and technical symbols, brackets, brockets, sprockets, and weird and wonderful glyphs such as "Dentistry symbol light down and horizontal with wave" (0x23c7). Why do we still have to name variables OmegaZero when our computers now know how to render 0x03a9+0x2080 properly?

OmegaZero is at least something everybody will recognize. And why would you name a variable like that anyway? It's programming, not math, use descriptive names.

But programs are still decisively vertical, to the point of being horizontally challenged. Why can't we pull minor scopes and subroutines out in that right-hand space and thus make them supportive to the understanding of the main body of code?

Because we're not using the same IDE?

And need I remind anybody that you cannot buy a monochrome screen anymore? Syntax-coloring editors are the default. Why not make color part of the syntax? Why not tell the compiler about protected code regions by putting them on a framed light gray background? Or provide hints about likely and unlikely code paths with a green or red background tint?

... what?

For some reason computer people are so conservative that we still find it more uncompromisingly important for our source code to be compatible with a Teletype ASR-33 terminal and its 1963-vintage ASCII table than it is for us to be able to express our intentions clearly.

... WHAT? If you don't express your intentions clearly in a program it won't work!

And, yes, me too: I wrote this in vi(1), which is why the article does not have all the fancy Unicode glyphs in the first place.

vim does Unicode just fine. And from the Wikipedia entry on the author (

A post by Poul-Henning is responsible for the widespread use of the term bikeshed colour to describe contentious but otherwise meaningless technical debates over trivialities in open source projects.

Irony? Why does this guy come off as an idiot who got annoyed by VB in this article when he clearly should know better?

Comment Re:Stress? (Score 1) 470

This sounds not carefree

Are you serious? Who is "carefree", except maybe for complete morons? His point about loosing control is absolutely valid. I don't like talking to people who aren't themselves either, and if it's someone close to me I worry about them. It's only natural.

Comment Re:Oh god.. (Score 1) 659

It's basically asking "are you a good/bad person?" in a number of different ways.

It's not only asking if you're "good", it has to be "very good".

I often have tender, concerned feelings for people less fortunate than me.

Sometimes I don't feel very sorry for other people when they are having problems.

Other people's misfortunes do not usually disturb me a great deal.

Who the hell usually is greatly disturbed by other peoples misfortunes while feeling very sorry for their problems?

Comment Re:Pepsi and Mountain Dew Throwback! (Score 2, Informative) 542

Costco sold real sugar Coke from Mexico (Mexicoke) during Passover for the Jews who won't eat corn-syrup. I almost converted to Judaism because they're on to was awesome. We couldn't stop drinking it, and I'd pay double to get it any time of year over the corn-syrup stuff, which I rarely buy.

Funny, I just checked Wikipedia and found out that here in Europe and in Asia cola is usually sweetened with "normal" table sugar (made from sugar beet/sugarcane). Only Americans seem to get the corn syrup stuff. I feel sorry for you guys, you invented the stuff and get the worst version.

Comment Re:Because they can be bullied (Score 1) 938

The ones that foolishly are "good kids" and don't fight back because they're told "violence solves nothing" and aren't taught to self defend, and are too slow to realize that the bullies aren't going to be punished by authority figures, who were probably bullies themselves when they were young and "understand" why the bully would want to beat up Little Tommy Nerd. [...] Am I bitter over my childhood and the public school systems I went through? What do you think?

Agree. When I was in school I got bullied from first to eleventh grade (German school system) and most of the teachers didn't do much. Sure, they discussed whatever big thing happened with the whole class and two of the assholes (there were three) almost, but only almost, got kicked out of school, but there was not much justice and I didn't fight back because I was fearing for my life. Teachers told me that I need to get more self esteem. Thanks for that, morons...

Let's face it, being a "good kid" is not the way to get through life. I was a "good kid" and the older I get the more I realized life would have been better and more fair had I been a prick willing to get in trouble. Some people need the motherloving shit kicked out of them. Some people deserve their teeth being knocked out and their eyes gouged out. Sounds tough, but there are many people walking this Earth that shouldn't be, and public schools are protecting them, not systematically executing them.

Uh, what? Sure, there have to be more consequences for (repeated) bullying because it's not the victims fault that those dickheads found someone to push around and feel powerful over but you can't honestly believe that it's a good idea to kill misbehaving kids and adults, even if they're assholes. Those people often have issues themselves and need that power trip like others need their crack.

Comment Re:Just guessing .. (Score 1) 909

Yes, they both make sense. Alan didn't want to commit the patch favored by Linus because it may lock up. He does admit that the patch seems like the right solution at first glance, though. Linus then tells him that the current patch causes trouble with userspace apps and it's not because they'ra faulty but because another section of the kernel is. Alan never dealt with this part of Linux. So the problem really isn't the bug that Alan tried to fix with a solution Linus didn't like but another portion of code somewhere else.

Alan didn't realized that and tried to build a patch that works with the current (faulty) part, but Linus also didn't realize that Alan couldn't know the problem really lies somewhere else and got grumpy when Alan insisted on building a less elegant and obvious patch.

I don't know, maybe they will both cool their heads, sleep it over and play together again :-)

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