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Comment Re:Our Children's Children's Children Will Save Us (Score 1) 266

how do you get all that from the link you posted?

- it's also fission.
- it's somewhat safer, but all next-gen designs are somewhat safer
- decommissioning will be much the same as the same thing is going on in there.
- it has the inherent (and hard to "design out") ability to produce pure (like 100%) U233, which is a tremendous proliferation hazard.

i still think they're a good idea, but i just don't like magical utopian thinking or misinformation.

Comment Re:This is against current food movements. (Score 1) 242


it's a convenient delivery method, and the design allows cheaper components to reach higher pressures, thus giving a better crema.

sealing them off this way also keeps the coffee fresh longer, and the doses are measured and calibrated for the machine in question - it's idiot proof, at least until the machine fails.

the only thing making it "not great" is the coffee used, and there's plenty to choose from.

snobs will be snobs, but the pod system has clear advantages. overpackaging is a problem.

me, i roast my own because i like getting chaff all over the house, and i like the eerily "cinema foyer from the 80s" smell you get. but i can't say the results are perfect, or even approaching consistent. i do it because i want to get good at it. if i just want good coffee i get it elsewhere.

Comment Re:This is against current food movements. (Score 1) 242

(of course, food that's insufficiently sterilized stands a good chance of spoiling on you... it's never good to find that 50kg bag of spices is now so completely mouldy that it's unfit for consumption... and also infected with an exotic mould that's a possible biosecurity hazard, so you have to burn it all).

Comment Re:This is against current food movements. (Score 1) 242

you jest, but a lot of food that is traded internationally gets a good dose of gamma rays in order to clear quarantine.

though i'm not completely against this, it is enough to disqualify a food from being "organic", and hence reduces it's possible retail value.

only steam is good enough for organic foods - at least they've somewhat made it into the industrial age :)

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