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Comment Re:Dupe? (Score 1) 101

I believe the Facebook issue is fairly different. In that case, it's not Facebook doing the geotagging, it's fancy new cameras (often built in to smartphones) that tag the image file itself with the location, as best as the camera can determine it at the time. Facebook then just makes that metadata easily available.

In this situation, it's the obvious problem of a peer-to-peer connection, namely that each peer knows the other's IP address, and from that you can start to narrow down a location, often fairly precisely.

Comment Re:What a skimmer actually looks like (Score 1) 251

No, the second article was pretty clear that the devices are being placed in-between the reader and the rest of the pump. It's in-line, recording every signal the card reader sends to the processing system, and prior to the point that it's all encrypted for transmission.

Unlike ATM skimming devices, which are attached to the exterior of a machine, over the card reader, the Shell skimming device was actually inside the terminal, wired between the card scanner and the computer board.

This is like the classic keyloggers, plugged in to the PC's keyboard socket, and then the keyboard plugged in to it, except you can't see it since everything's inside the pump.

Comment Re:175/hr is slow? (Score 1) 119

Thanks for that, the article wasn't clear if it was X/hr for an app run by a given user in total, or X/hr for that app for a given person they're following.

It seems inefficient that TweetDeck is sending 10 different requests; can Twitter's API not handle a "tell me if anyone I'm following has updated" request, to allow 10 requests to be rolled in to one? Admittedly, that would put additional burden on the twitter servers to keep track of what "anyone I'm following" means.

Comment Re:DO NOT WANT: print server, storage, P2P daemon, (Score 1) 268

Yes, but do you really want an all-in-one device hooked up to the long, usually unprotected wire out side the house?

By having a standalone little ADSL modem, it acts as a sacrificial device to any power jolts coming in over the phone line. It'll cook, and I get that replaced, but my AP keeps running. Sure, it could also chain through to the router/AP, but it's less likely.

True, this means more wallwarts and power drain, but it's a personal choice. If you're in a crappy power area this can be a real concern. I had a 2wire all-in-one and corrosion on one of the power wires at the pole, causing voltage sags on half my circuits, and the 2wire went nuts, constantly. A standalone ADSL, miniswitch, and AP managed to handle the power problems gracefully, until I managed to finally get the power company to fix the damned problem by tightening the nut on the power pole, on the fourth visit. :P

Comment Re:live stream (Score 2, Interesting) 229

And which works great for IPTV solutions. The end points subscribe to a channel by setting their IP, and then the upstream router decides if it needs to do the same, heading further back until it hits another router that's got the channel already subscribed.

Similar for when you leave the channel. Once the router decides it's not got any clients for a given channel, it'll unsubscribe from it and those will bubble back.

Very elegant, imo.

Comment Re:Why not laser print? (Score 3, Interesting) 306

That's where you talk to the corporate health and wellness people. Remind them of the recommendations that everyone get up and walk around periodically during the day, and the omnipresence of personal inkjets means people aren't walking.

Suddenly, all those printers will get yanked by the health fascists. Use evil for good. ;)

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