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Comment The biggest concern... (Score 3, Interesting) 67

"The biggest concern with Stadia is that it might not exist."

No, my biggest concern is that I will be paying for a game I will not be allowed to own and that my data plan will be destroyed by playing it. And when Google cancels the service, I will lose access to all those games I don't own but have been paying for.

So... yeah. No thanks.

Comment The legislation wouldn't work anyway... (Score 1) 197

Vape companies would simply sell a separate line of (food industry) flavour products alongside their unflavoured vape juice products. What you do with those bottles of flavour... well, that's your business. I asked the founder of a vape juice company about situations like this about a year or so ago and he said they would absolutely sell their flavours separately.

In the meantime, I suppose one or two people will get a lethal dose of nicotine on their hands trying to mix their own juice and some might go back to cigarettes.

Comment There was a extensive study of e-cigarettes... (Score 1) 115

A few years ago, the Royal College of Physicians did a very extensive study of e-cigarettes and compared them to every other common form of nicotine intake (patches, inhalers, gum, etc). This study will tell you more about e-cigarettes than you would ever care to know. Even with the lack of any long term studies, they still conclude that vaping is about 95% less unhealthy than cigarettes. It's really worth a read.

Study can be found here:

Comment It happened to my parents... (Score 3, Insightful) 506

I got a phone call from my dad the other day. Apparently, he was on his computer playing a game when the computer suddenly killed his game, went to a black screen and then informed him that Windows was going to reboot to install Windows 10. Since this wasn't a problem I could deal with remotely, I told him to just let it go ahead and install it. He doesn't seem to mind Windows 10 but my mother, who hates change, despises it.

This seems like a really stupid idea on Microsoft's part. I mean, what about developers? What if an auto-upgrade to Windows 10 breaks some of the older development tools they're relying on for the project they're in the middle of developing? What if drivers start crashing? What happened to letting people wait for the bug dust to settle before feeling safe enough to upgrade to a new OS?

And while I'm sure someone would say "well, it's their own fault for using older tools", bear in mind that not all development projects are targeted at current hardware and some development tools are proprietary to the companies who own said hardware, leaving no alternatives.

Comment Caffeine content... (Score 1) 352

I based my vote on the results of googling for caffeine content in drinks. Two sites either agreed or one stole results from the other, that the caffeine content in a 16oz grande Starbucks coffee is around 330mg. Since my travel mug is 16oz, and I fill that thing with coffee at least twice a day (sometimes more, depending on workload), that's a lotta caffeine. I think. I don't really care. It is the nectar of the gods.

Comment Glass is a crystalline structure?! (Score 3, Informative) 43

“Glass is a crystalline structure that is fairly transparent, but not completely, you can still see it."

Um... noooo, glass is a glass, denoted by its lack of a crystalline structure unless you're talking about devitrified glass, which is typically too weak to use in any practical application.

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