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Comment Salt and Quality (Score 1) 206

It's only about two things:
1. RAW formats contain "salt" checksums, algorithm is not known, so you cannot really fake it no matter how did you try, in fact, manufacturer can add one to JPEG's too, but they aren't doing it
2. RAW is MUCH larger than JPEG, probably, JPEG's are enough for them

Comment Distro does not matter, interface matters (Score 1) 346

Mere mortals use interface, they like ubuntu because some ubuntu-only options and free cd's, because it's popular, not because it's opensource or just "good".

So, it's time to think about middleware, improve everything that is common for all distros and improve standard, force every distro to be visually interoperable. Nobody cares about dpkg or rpm, kernel version or canonical. Users care about what they use. They use desktop. They like Gnome? Improve it, make it same everywhere.

Why should I care about Ubuntu or Opensuse if I use Gnome on both? Where's the difference? That's the issue community should resolve and it's going on and on for last 5 years - we've got middleware everywhere - in packaging, sound, KDE, Gnome etc.

I guess Canonical realizes, that one time usability war will come to the end and this time has come. Not it must create something that will force it's old users to use new versions. That's why they are so crazy about Mir and pushing Ubuntu-only software. That's the reason.

Comment Re:CentOS == win 7 of linux (Score 1) 346

RPM is great, at least it's documented very well (where are DPKG docs? it took 18 years to write this bullshit i see?), refreshed, growing, adding functionality, improving usability etc

Yum is not sitting on top of it and it doesn't mother. There is PackageKit, which does anything middleware interface must do - it supports rpm, dpkg, apt, yum etc - that's what is important for you, because YOU ARE loser. You never use dpkg, never building any packages, you just can't compare RPM and dpkg, so, what's your problem? Use GUI and relax.

So far RPM made many HUGE improvements, including deltas, macro improvements, build-dependency automation, format changes, compression, metadata, language bindings, dependency awesomeness, middleware, it's classy and MUCH better than dpkg from technical point of view. Need user point of view? Use GUI and shut up.

So I don't think you have ever gone through RPM or dpkg docs.

Comment Re:I switched to CentOS and never looked back (Score 2) 346

Fedora 3 -> Fedora 19 (release-by-release)
and I will upgrade to Fedora 20 in few months :)

You are comparing Enterprise, Server Software compilation and Desktop. Or T-72 Tank to the BMW M5. It's not the same. RHEL/CentOS are not like Ubuntu's. Even LTS is far from that level.

CentOS is tied to RHEL, which has lifetime of 13 (!) YEARS. Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server have 9 MONTHS (!). Ubuntu LTS has up to 5 years (8 years less than RHEL).

How do you imagine upgrade from the system which is 10 years old? It's very likely that components will be incompatible.

Can you do upgrade from Ubuntu 1 to Ubuntu 13? No.

RHEL is made for not doing any upgrades to have stable, tested and security-only upgrades to be sure that new functionality won't push more problems. That's the idea.

If you need desktop with fresh upgrades, crashes and etc - CentOS/RHEL is not an option. None of the distros with lifecycle >12 Months can accomplish this.

Comment Sockets? (Score 1) 271

That's untrue. AM3+ sockets or CPU pins can't handle that power.
CPU's are powered with less than 5 Volts. In case of 220W it's 220/5 = 44 Amps!!!!
OK, pins are short and 44 amps might be possible, but powering such device even with a multilayer M/B will be scary and still - doesn't look like real.
11 mm^2

Comment Re:RAM (Score 1) 286

Not really only with startup only and windows doesn't arrange data effectively enough, nor linux does.

I've got 32 GB RAM on my desktop and I'm using green drives. It's terribly slow, always - when loading applications, when using virtualization etc. On both Linux and Windows. It's effective for some things (Read only and if it was read before), but not for everything.

For servers - it's even worse, some people bypass RAM and write data directly to the disk, reason - safety.

Comment It's effective. Where is flashcache, bcache? (Score 1) 286

That's correct. Non-fw cache will be more effective.
We don't know (yet), how WD drives work - will we see one whole block device or maybe it will have two SATA ports with two separate drives. I'm not sure they will support access to SSD to the some encapsulated stream.

There are Linux solutions like bcache and flashcache that can deal with cache. So, maybe it's time to use it and include into kernel?

Comment Re:Self mortification (Score 1) 79

CentOS is not a Fedora derivative, there's a huge difference. CentOS is just a rebuild of RHEL's src.rpm's. RedHat must provide sources for all the changes, but not binary packages, this is how CentOS is born, same with Scientific. Yellowdog is created for PPC arch use.

Mandrake is/was BASED on RedHat 5 (do not confuse with RHEL 5) and has nothing to do now with RHEL. It's a separate product which has it's own commercial way.

Suse was initially same as Slackware, but now it has nothing to do with Slack, and has absolutely different approach.

So, again, why should I have 100 derivative distros doing almost the same, instead of having two with remixes and subrepos?

Comment Re:Self mortification (Score 1) 79

Testing is for accepting into Stable, so, it's the same without major feature changes and some fixes: Unstable is more like development version, not the "Debian Fedora". If they're paying attention, if everything is fine, then why do we have aptosid in here? According to distrowatch, Debian has already spawned more than 120 derivatives (c) (!). RHEL/Fedora have 28, and most of them are very specific, like trixbox, clearos, Yellowdog, centos, scientific. There is a huge diversity in Debian and community is creating general use distros outside the Debian project. Why? Is it so hard to allow maintainers to deliver changes and add-ons via subprojects? At least two mainlines. I guess it's because of Ubuntu, and there we've got LTS. It's separatism and very closed approach, like Oracle is playing with MySQL.

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