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Comment Re:Victim Blaming (Score 1) 141

The point of the flags is not to warn people to watch out for the dangerous kids, it's to shame dangerous dicks riding modified bikes illegally to maybe don't be dicks for a minute.
Neither is anyone blaming the tool. They are specifically blaming the unlicensed, unexperienced (sic) user. People are not saying they shouldn't exist, but that they should not be ridden where they're not allowed to be ridden.

Comment Re: Vietnam is not China, just China-like. (Score 2) 24

Not quite true. Done of the islands are contested between Vietnam, China and the Philippines. But it's China who broke the status quo of not developing them.

But I very much doubt any of that influenced Apple's decision. More to do a little with wages, but particularly free trade agreements so they can avoid import tariffs.

Comment Re:I would prefer the right call always (Score 1) 101

The problem with 'the right call always' is that often (usually even) there is no 'right' call. It's up to the referee's discretion. Far too often the VAR gets embroiled in decisions it shouldn't be worrying about. Unless there's a blatant mistake, or the referee informs them that they didn't get a good view of the incident, they should be keeping out.
As for offside, I'd rather there was a margin of error, similar to cricket. If the decision for/against an offside violation is within that margin of error, then it goes back to whatever was originally called. And arms shouldn't be counted, given they can't be used anyway.

Comment Re:Let's not forget though... (Score 1) 55

...this isn't random.
Youtube has been gaming the algorithm against Pewdiepie or whatever his name is for years.

Can't find and won't bother searching the video showing the results of the same search giving pewdiepie high recommendations everywhere but the US/

So the big question is why has Youtube has been gaming the algorithm in favour of Pewdiepie outside the US?

Comment Re:You can't make incompetence illegal (Score 4, Insightful) 86

The attacks that have made all this fuss aren't even really ransomware attacks. Optus was breached and heaps of PII was stolen. As far as I'm aware there was never any ransom involved. Medibank was breached and shitloads of very private information was stolen, and a ransom demanded to stop them from releasing said information.
Backups do nothing to prevent this, as neither company ever lost access to their data.

Comment Re: Meanwhile in other countries... (Score 1) 280

But your TV gave you your marching orders, and they appealed to your sense of tribalism and gave you something to hate which was all you needed to goose-step your way through the past two years.

You gotta put a warning on this stuff mate, my irony detector just blew up the entire suburb!

Comment Re:Yeah it's time (Score 1) 47

iOS 16 doesn't run on the iPhone 6...

This is true... but I think that you are deliberately absolutising (yes, that is a word) what the OP meant with their statement that

Apple generally supports phones much longer...

Perhaps, but then you're being the opposite by highlighting the only part of their post that wasn't blatantly false.

My daughter uses my old iPhone 6 from 8 years ago, and it just recently updated to iOS 12.5.6, which is a security update that came out in August 2022.

When she was showing me the update, I was surprised at how many iOS features that I use regularly on my iPhone 12 Pro, were also available on her iPhone 6. Now, I am aware that there are many iOS features that I have on my iPhone, that she will never have on her phone... but, while I was playing with her phone, it struck me that there were so many iOS features that I had been excited about when they first appeared in a new OS update, that I had forgotten about, and the daily essentials that I relied on the most (bar a few hardware dependent features that I love) were all there on my daughters 8-year-old iPhone. Many of these features were not there in 2014, when the iPhone 6 first came out. I can't imagine what it would be like to have to use an iPhone running iOS 8 - which is what shipped with the iPhone 6.

I've no arguments that Apple support their devices for longer, but that only holds true for security updates. iOS versions you generally get about 3 years for, which is similar to Google (other manufacturers vary wildly, and this sucks). Google tend to do security updates for 4 years.

As for the features, I think that's mostly because smartphones are just not that exciting anymore. Looking back at Android 8 years ago, the only real features I'd really miss are notification channels, USB-C and biometric unlock, 2 of which require hardware (and 2 of which are still unavailable on iOS as far as I'm aware). On iOS it's probably just default web browser/mail app (which Android has had from day 1).

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