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Comment music-induced buzz (Score 1) 174

Does anybody else get pleasant tingling in the head and down the spine during the climax of a symphony? It used to happen randomly in my past, and I never understood it. My mom gets it too. Latley I've been getting it more, and my karma has been good. Last night was the first time I ever thought to google it, and I found people sharing similar experiences here, and now this article randomly shows up on slashdot. It seems to be related to the sanskrit idea of chakra.

Comment Re:Where is the fun? (Score 1) 854

You get better with tactical awareness. You could study it offline if you prefer, and it would probably translate well to the game.

Of course there's still the issue of handling the controller properly, which comes with practice and good posture (relaxed, with your right hand anchored so your thumb can move freely and precisely). Yeah it's tough to compete online. I noticed the competition gets a little easier around 4-6am, if it helps.

Comment Re:This is simply misguided -- don't we know bette (Score 1) 252

Or you simply didn't have the right teachers or the right mindset. I found that I wasn't able to play music particularly well either, until I altered my mind and talked to various professional artists/creators.

However, this brings up an interesting point. The whole point here is to scientifically study the human brain. So it doesn't surprise me that these concepts that can't be scientifically proven (yet) are being derided as liberal equality feel-good ideas that we all have the same brain capability.

Brains may form different physical properties as a result of their evolution/development throughout life, but most functional components in the brain all work the same way, and many people are capable of things they are not aware of. Or put another way, very few people reach their full potential, which is why we don't see van goghs or mozarts everywhere. Actually, these people were obsessive about their craft. Mozart probably analyzed more scores and sheet music than any other musician before. He was extremely dedicated. It didn't just happen.

Comment you mean, legally (Score 1) 286

I'm pretty sure the British government has been tracking domestic phone calls, and emails all along, certainly dating back to the cold war and UKUSA pact with the US NSA. This legislation allows them to legally collect the data, so they can do things "by the book" instead of breaking laws for things they will do anyway.

Comment Re:That is awesome! (Score 1) 455

Don't speak if you don't know what you're saying. Otherwise be prepared for consequences. This is a life lesson. If you say "biblically sound" you should know that implies genocide, slaughter, homophobia, fear, and demonization. These are cornerstones of the faith that leads to real world cultural problems. I'm not checking the real world at the door just because I'm participating on a virtual message board. Quite the opposite. I read and chime in because I like to feel somehow involved in the world. I expect and prefer anybody to check me on anything I say. I think it results in a healthier community.

Comment Re:A side effect of being a potty mouth. (Score 1) 449

Swearing in excess is just a phase, and by no means a mainstream habit. There will always be movies and works of art that push the extremes, just to do it. That's the point.

Personally, I have found it's a phase. The more you swear the more you learn how to swear, and when it's appropriate. When you first start, you sound like a damned fool. Our culture at large I think reflects this same process. The worst force I see effecting swearing right now is the demonization of it, and that it is somehow worse to say certain words, as if there is a punishing god that cares. :) Worry about what you're saying (and DOING) and not how. I think america is actually doing a great job evolving in this direction.

Comment Re:We now idolize the prison and degenerate cultur (Score 2, Insightful) 449

Yes a product of prison culture, but a product of culture. People are amazing things and they're always evolving. The current fashion has been exported around the world, and some say hip hop may just be the BEST product of US culture, in that it is truly american, original and artistically appreciative. Many of the other cultures and traditions here have built on western, native, eastern, et al roots. In this case, the baggy clothes and the rap style music, it's highly american. Be proud, motherfucker.

Comment Re:Pretty sad. (Score 1) 449

Kinda like grunting when takin a shit. For a long time I was also intrigued by that anonymous stranger grunting in the public stall. Was it necessary enough to do in public places? All I can say it, try it for yourself. There's something gratifying that you can't quite put your finger on (and probably wouldn't want to).

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