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Submission + - Microsoft UK Seeking BSA Audits More Persistently

Comply or Else writes: "Worried that it's not getting enough license revenue, Microsoft UK is now planning to be more persistent in seeking BSA audits. According to the article, "Most companies comply [when sent requests for an audit], but up to 3 percent don't. Under the new program, if Microsoft doesn't receive a response after 14 days, the company will send a succession of three 'escalation' letters over three weeks. The last two letters warn the case could be turned over the BSA, which could pursue legal action." Microsoft goes on to claim that 27% of software in the UK is improperly licensed, of course they also think that "[Microsoft's] audit and asset management teams also can look for ways the company can save money." To be fair, though, these audits cause one way to save money to spring to mind."

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