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Comment Re:Basements (Score 1) 487

...I wonder if 40s are better or worse? I guess eventually there is an age where frantic larvae fever stops being an issue....

40-something singles are scarier than 30-something singles....

Most of them are single for a reason. Either no one was interested or everyone threw them back. Neither is fun to deal with.

Comment Re:And the "!" in the 8 to 1 is... (Score 1) 528

It's pretty bloody hard to OD on ibuprofen! My doc used to have me take 15 of the 200 mg ibuprofen if I was away from my Rx drugs! The biggest risk with that level is developing ulcers. Now, acetaminophen, "just a Tylenol" is far more dangerous....

as for most OD's, I'd just see if their story made them worthy of a Darwin award...

Comment Re:For once, read TFA. (Score 1) 528

...I certainly think the administrator should be able to confiscate any pills students are observed with; I'm not afraid of ibuprofen, and if the student refuses, the resolution should be to contact the parents or police, not to strip search them, but they do actually need to have some ability to actually run their building, which means expecting certain behavior from students and the ability to get rid of students who comply (that sounds all fascist, but that isn't the way I mean it, I just mean that disruptive students shouldn't get to piss all over the other kids; odd story, that actually happened at my junior high. I'm glad I wasn't involved.).

Have you considered that the student may have NEEDED the ibuprofen? Teenage females are more prone than the general population to be afflicted with migraines. (Oh, the joys of being a female!) If she is prone to migraine, she would have legitimate cause to carry ibuprofen. Doctors who deal in headache treatment will tell patients that if they do not have access to Rx drugs, and they feel a migraine coming on, to take something, be it ibuprofen, naproxin sodium, aspirin, caffeine or acetaminophen to keep the migraine from getting too far out of control.

Where I went to school, if someone said that they had a headache, a dozen girls were reaching in their bags and offering up cures. Taking care of people is, to an extent, a natural feminine trait! Now, they want to string up the girls who are actually out to help people. Yup, zero tolerance for being a helpful human being, and helping someone stop their suffering. Oy!

Comment Re:Never has the suddenoutbreakofcommonsense tag f (Score 1) 528

What a beautiful solution! Get rid of some of the overpaid union school employees by convicting them as sex offenders, and keep them out of other schools!

In Ohio, they can't be a sex offender when they START the job, and they can't abuse kids in their own school, 'lest they get fired, but they can stay employed as school employees if they abuse kids from different schools. (Or on another front that is not sex offense, educator can bake babies in cars, wihtout fear of prosecution, or losing their jobs! Killing a baby in favor of bringing in a few dozen doughnuts... Have to keep your priorities in line... Hmm, some days a good doughnut does sound better than a kid...)

Comment Re:This is America (Score 1) 528

That's when you call the cops and have it done by professionals who know how to do it properly. Even if my kid was carrying drugs in his or her underwear, I would not want a school administrator doing the search. You think you've got that much evidence, then you pick up the goddamned phone and phone the goddamned cops. If you're a school employee, your job is not to do strip searches, and I hope the kid's lawyers bankrupt the goddamned school. They overstepped their bounds so badly that it's difficult to imagine how they're judgement could have been any worse.

Law, medicine, whatever! Some schools want to do it all. Some states have now banned the once common practice of schools REQUIRING that a student go on a "behavior modification drug", like Ritalin, as a condition of attendance. These requirements were made by teachers and administrators with no contact with anyone with a medical degree... Oy!

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