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Comment Re:Is China covered by the US constitution? (Score 3, Interesting) 165

We both know that national security is just an excuse. And the real reason is TikTok can provide people with content outside of establishment's control.

Not really. It's under the control of a different establishment, one that is clearly hostile to US interests (both establishment and the general population), and with a history of violently suppressing anyone they consider inferior - which is everyone.

Comment Re:AI Trash (Score 2) 93

1) It's not "reading a book," it's voice acting, and that's a very different skill from writing a book.

2) Setting up a decent home studio is not cheap. In fact, it would probably cost more than most independent authors will make off of several books. And without a proper home recording studio, the quality will be so crap it will tank sales on any future book they release.

3) It takes quite a lot of time they'd rather spend writing their next book.

4) Not everyone has a voice suitable for performance in the first place.

Comment Re:Why? That could be actually useful. (Score 1) 49

Seems to me, forcing a company to do business with someone they don't want to do business with would violate the 13th amendment.

But out them for it, sure, and let them eat the consequences. (And the consequences aren't negative, then the company isn't the problem, the government is.)

Comment Re:Why? That could be actually useful. (Score 3, Interesting) 49

Given the (in)accuracy of things like facial recognition, and the inability of police to use it correctly, I'd think the proper place for a ban on police use of it should come from the higher ups in the department, but maybe Microsoft is trying to avoid legal liability for that kind of misuse that we see so often.

Comment Re:Healthcare should not be a profit center (Score 1) 237

Without greed and the chance for great rewards, nobody of any quality will enter the field.

People who won't enter a field where their greed says they can't get obscenely rich certainly have a quality, but one cannot help but wonder if it's a desirable quality or an anti-social psychosis.

When greed rules the industry, people who are motivated by a sincere desire to server their fellow man will avoid it. That's where we are now.

And Slashdot, of all places, knows how unlikely people driven by money - MBA types - are to understand the technical side of a business.

Comment Re:This FTC is different (Score 0) 74

So an agency actually starts doing their job, and you:

Note the timing vis a vis the election, and the likelihood that a lot of what it's doing is going to be struck down by the courts - after the election, and reach an inevitable conclusion.

You, of course, parrot that talking points your masters have given you. Good little sheeple, well trained.

Comment Re:Not a Netflix issue - A banking issue (Score 1) 88

Or just use virtual numbers for anything online, as others have noted.

(And yes, credit card numbers can be stolen in brick and mortar stores, too. I have more than one credit card. One for online, with only virtual numbers, and one for brick and mortar, that is never used online.)

Comment Re:but it filters viruses same as the others (Score 1) 74

The blind, stupid panic over COVID, and the massive economic and psychological damage done by it, and the ongoing complete lack of faith in people who should know what they're talking about is a real life example of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.

Fauci pretty conclusively demonstrated that he ceased being a scientist, and became an administrator, long ago, then he evolved into being an attention whore, and whether he was right or wrong ceased to matter because people stopped paying attention to him (including politicians who told us we had to act like his lies were true or be punished. (Note that every elected official named was a Democrat, not a Republican who resisted the blind, stupid panic from the beginning. They clearly didn't take Fauci seriously, even while threatening legal action against anyone else who didn't.)

Even your own words show you agree with me: ". . . being overly cautious . . ."

Overly means "to an excessive degree". Too cautious. More cautious than is appropriate.

"The moral stated at the end of the Greek version is, "this shows how liars are rewarded: even if they tell the truth, no one believes them"."

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