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Comment Re:Mob mentality. (Score 1) 47

Yep, we 100% agree that's how to report realized gains or losses. Now name another capital asset (HUD forms and excise tax notwithstanding, obviously) that you're taxed on receipt rather than just on disposition.

I have no idea how that's even supposed to work, and I'm seriously trying to stay legal (a few grand a year isn't worth prison time). Neither Schedule D nor 8949 make a lick of sense unless you have a value for the "Proceeds" column - Which you don't have unless you've sold something. And sure, go ahead and put a huge unsubstantiated number on your schedule 1 line 8 and see how well that goes for you.

Pretty much the only way I've figured out to comply with that ridiculous requirement is to make a semi-fake wash "sale" of each new year's new mining payouts every December 31st - Which itself is a grey area but since it would always be a gain, never a loss, it's technically kosher; so at least if I get a CP2501 or similar I'll have paid "enough" taxes already and any penalties would be $0.

The IRS is, bluntly, trying to play both sides of the fence on this one. They're treating crypto as money on receipt, and as property on disposition. And have given us no reasonable way to reconcile that discrepancy.

Comment Re:Mob mentality. (Score 1) 47

Taxes on what, exactly?

As the haters are so quick to point out, crypto isn't money. Until an exchange occurs between crypto and fiat (or something meaningfully measurable in fiat), Uncle Sam has absolutely no say in the matter.

Or to put that another way, taxing bitcoin is the single most legitimizing action the government could take as regards crypto. And if crypto is legit, fiat... Isn't.

And yes, for the record I fully realize we technically owe taxes even on bartered goods and services. Unless you're eBay, though, the way the IRS measures that simply doesn't work. If I buy a car with bitcoin, sure, FMV is easy. If I exchange two thinly-traded altcoins... It's a complete farce to say that either side should pay taxes, and even the IRS can't tell you how to measure the FMV of that transaction (go ahead, call their help line - I did in 2019, and the response was crickets).

Comment Re:This is very complicated (Score 2) 63

You're missing the point, but so is the SEC.

My company recently switched from using totally unlogged Skype to fully logged Teams. Take a wild guess what percent of casual conversations between coworkers now occur via secure 3rd party channels that HR (or PHBs) can't intimidate IT into turning over. I'll give you a hint - I don't even know if my Teams client is still working since we got 21H2.

The problem here isn't a technical or legal problem, it's a human one. Until someone can guarantee me that my chat transcripts can't be touched without my knowledge and a court order... Sorry, but the likelihood of getting caught using my own personal phone to chat with coworkers doing the same is simply much, much lower than the likelihood of having HR use those exact transcripts to go fishing during the next "right-sizing".

Comment Re:Triangulation (Score 1) 132

I don't think there was any suggestion that the MIMO antennas would do any triangulation. The MIMO would be used to determine direction-only. I believe ping-and-response round trip time would be used to calculate distance.

Interesting note: You could spoof a greater distance by tweaking your own unit to delay responses, and you might be able to spoof a shorter distance if you could sufficiently predict the incoming signal.


Comment Re: If it doesn't apply (Score 1) 474

Actually...I don't know why they suddenly started banning people in 2016. Why? (No, no sarcasm, just a lack of being informed).

Youtube has been taking down Nazi videos, threats, assorted other racist and abusive content, as well as accounts involved in harassment or other criminal behavior.

One theory says Youtube is part of a vast evil conspiracy to persecute conservatives!!!!!!

The other theory is that the vast 2016 Russian propaganda attacks were successful in stirring up rightwingnut racism and hate and conspiracy nutters, and Donald Trump played a big part in fueling the rightwingnut racism and hate and conspiracy nuttery.


Comment Re: Free Speech (Score 1) 474

In case you hadn't noticed, you're not King and you do not get to personally define community standards for objectionable content.

The Law provides Youtube immunity for "Good Samaritan" blocking and screening of offensive material. Youtube has in place standard mechanisms and policies and procedures for community-standards flagging and handling of objectionable materials. The law gives deliberately broad protection for any half-ass-credible system put in place for that purpose. It deliberately leaves the details of that system to the service provider, and it deliberately leaves review of that system to consumers.

As I understand it, YouTube did not target Prager. A large number of people independently flagged the content as objectionable. I haven't watched Prager's videos, but as I understand it there is good reason for people to consider the content inappropriate or objectionable. Heck, it makes me think I should start flagging pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, and other propaganda and disinformation videos. If we're going to have community-standards content flagging, then I say we drop the asinine concerns with seeing human bodies and instead object to lies and misinformation and irrational nonsense that are actually harmful.


Comment Re:Free Speech (Score 1) 474

If you don't curate your content, then soon your service will be full of conspiracy theories, nazis both rhetorical and actual, porn and vast amount of copyright infringement.

Oh man. I despise conspiracy nutters and nazis..... but porn and vast amounts of copyright infringement makes for a very tempting bargain there.


Comment Re:Bad headline (Score 1) 474

What was the evil nasty foreign government supposedly doing?


They successfully (and criminally) hacked both Republican and Democratic computer networks.

Russian intelligence retained the information hacked from Republican systems as kompromat. (Note that Russian Intelligence don't need to make overt blackmail threats, all that is necessary is for Trump to know that the Russians have kompromat.)

The information hacked from Clinton and Democratic computer systems was released both for smear value and to (criminally) aid the Trump campaign with all of the confidential campaign data.

They also (criminally) used the hacked information to meddle in many legislative elections across the country.

They (criminally) funneled financial contributions into the Trump campaign.

They (criminally) successfully hacked into at least one manufacturer of Voting Machines.

They (criminally) attacked the computer election systems in all 50 states, with successful intrusions in many of them. While we don't have confirmation of the Russians directly changing vote totals or indirectly changing totals by altering voter registration records or other means, we really don't know the full extent of what they did after they successfully intruded into all of those state election systems. All we do know is that they successfully compromised the election systems for about half the country.

They ran a massive campaign of lies and fabricated stories to slander Clinton, slander Democrats, and slander Republicans that criticized Trump. Slander is illegal, and it almost surely violated some part of the criminal campaign laws.

That list of course doesn't include any Russian activities that are still held as classified. It of course doesn't include any Russian activities that weren't caught. And I didn't bother with hostile actions that that might not directly violate the law.


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