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Comment Re: And less advanced chips are important too (Score 1) 99

Hmmm, my multi-trillion dollar global corporation will collapse if I run out of $2 chips which I use at the rate of a thousand a week.
How many should I keep on the shelf to tide me over any supply problems?
Answer: None, because Some Other Jerk says they can supply all I need Just In Time.
Hooray! Give myself a big bonus for being awesome at business!

Comment Computer scientist? (Score 0) 185

You would think a computer scientist would notice the massive amount of shortcuts and simplifications that are needed to make even the current crop of simulations work. Has he never played any first-person games?
Try simulating ALL the interactions of a game of pool (vibration, chalk debris on surfaces, nap of the baize being altered, compression and return of the cue tip and cushions/bumpers over time etc) and see how much computing is needed.

Comment Re:Waymo than we bargained for. (Score 1) 61

That's the real question, though. Is it really autonomous or is it being helped out remotely? Cruise admitted to remote help every few miles only after one of their cars was involved in a horrific crash.
How do we know the car companies are not doing a Theranos? Fake it till you make it and all that bull.

Comment driverless or just remotely operated? (Score 2) 17

Are these robotaxis autonomous or just remotely operated ? How far do they travel before needing human input?
Cruise were boasting about several million miles of self-driving before admitting they needed input from some jerk with a laptop every few miles.

I notice these PR articles keep saying "nobody in the drivers seat" where they used to say "self-driving". Have the lawyers made them change the wording?

Comment is that a lot? (Score 1) 61

That doesn't seem a lot of computing power to accurately identify, track and predict the course of hundreds of real-world objects in 3d in real time continuously for hours.

How does it compare to current desktop/gpu setups which run AI chatbots/text-to image whose crappy hallucination-riddled output is measured in seconds or minutes?

Comment Re: And the other half? (Score 1) 243

Hmm, but cramming people together means you need high-rise buildings which use ludicrous amounts of concrete which needs ludicrous amounts of energy and heavy trucks to move it which destroy the roads which then need repairing etc.

Plus the housing is cramped and impossible to extend, so you need to move house when circumstances change, you need to pump water miles to flush the toilet because you can't catch rainwater and so on.

Comment Re: And the other half? (Score 3, Insightful) 243

Reduce the population and spread them out? That is the stupidest thing I ever heard. What are people going to do with their extra space? Grow food so they don't need to waste time and energy bringing it from the shops? Put up windmills so they are less dependent on the grid? And just how do you expect to price young people out of the housing market if there is less competition for the shoddily-built apartments thrown together by rapacious developers? Crazy talk!

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