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Comment lose-lose situation (Score 1) 326

its one of those sad moments where everybody lose for no good reason.
The employee lost his job, sure, but Apple loses what seems to be a good employee, has to deal with any information leak in the video, has to deal with morale issues with close colleagues in the fired employee department.
Should Apple had ignored this incident and let the employee go with just a warning, that would set an awful precedent for the company, which would make any future incidents like this more likely/damaging.

welp, if there is anything positive coming from this is that the kid -- and probably a lot of other kids -- are now familiarised with non-disclosure agreements.

Comment meat is not only meat (Score 4, Interesting) 342

Meat is more than just a combination of cells. Its the result of the how the animal from were it was cut lived and died.

You have different cuts of meat, based on the muscle of the animal were its cut from. Depending on the animal, how it was raised, and how it was killed, a piece of meat can have different texture and flavour that the same cut from a different animal, raised in different environments.

Comment agrre, to a level (Score 1) 996

i agree that colleges are bad, but not because they are heaven for independent thinking like TFA mentions, but because to some degree you dont need them. We are told from a young age that we need higher education to be someone, to be successful, to be happy. But reality shows that we might not use what we learned in college for our job, that some university graduates eventually work in areas different than the one they graduated or in areas that require no graduation at all. We are neither successful, nor happy, not even someone of note. And this has created the current generation of depressed people who are still struggling to pay for their student debts, a debt they only got by studying something they dont use.

We need to start valuing the common life again, that one can still be happy and successful while working at a diners, at petrol stations, as a farmer.

But that would require a cultural shift that i believe most people wouldn't be inclined to.

Comment Re:profit (Score 1) 89

when i say "we already pay for internet access", i was including Netflix on that bundle. My criticism is that now ISP's want to charge for premium/priority bandwidth, which might put some companies out of the market if their competitors simply can pay more to have more priority.

your explanation of the relationship between Netflix and cogent was enlightening, thank you.

Comment profit (Score 1) 89

now that they see the profit that they can get with the internet, everybody and their neighbour want a (bigger) share of it. Copyright holders are building their own netflix-esque apps. We already pay ISP's for internet access, now they want to charge the providers for additional bandwidth.

Comment Re:The JavaScript on most sites.. (Score 1) 305

you might not like javascript (i am not a fan either), but you can't deny its place in web development. It allow us to do a lot more client side than any alternative, and its finding some niches in server side as well. The only "problem" with javscript (and PHP for that matter) is that since its a easy to learn and use language, a lot of newbies with little knowledge of good practices use it in ways that more senior developers would cringe about. Everybody is a newbie at least once at everything they do in life, even you.

Comment Re:Percentage change (Score 2) 237

this is why i hate statistics comparison. When you say "this country grew 50% while this other only grew 1%" can mean a lot of difference. If the first country is Sealand, that means a baby was born, while if it was china, that would mean 14 million

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