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Comment Re:Sysadmins VS Lusers, lets get ready to rumble! (Score 0) 1307

Thank you. I have worked with many doctors who were extremely competent with network systems. A department chief who actually set up something like the OP did (calendar and patient lab results) FOR the IT dept for his doctors, a fellow who did his graduate degree before medicine at Berkeley working on.....BSD. And at my current hospital the custom system for EMH was developed by a former department chief doctor. All I'm reading in response is a bunch of arrogant IT people banging the old drum that doctors are arrogant pricks. Yes, if he is behind the firewall IT should share control of the server and I would suggest running a wireless system out of his office just for his department if he doesn't want to use Google and IT will not or cannot integrate his ideas into the network. In my hospital personal laptops can be connected to the network after being vetted by IT (all the State supplied computers are roughly 13 years old) which means they keep your machine for a week or two, snooping through your patient files (a HIPPA violation as they are not involved in the patient's care) but they will not allow Macs because....well, just because they are IT and they say so. One doc used his iPad to connect to the secure wireless network and access patient labs and history in real time while seeing the patients---the scenario that IT claims is the future. It should be because that doc found it incredibly efficient and fast; and he was written up and ordered never to do something like that again.

Comment This does not surprise (Score 1) 235

me a bit. When I was in medical school on the wards the vioxx drug rep would bring us food and put on the most outrageous bullshit presentations. The data was all skewed, the studies were flawed and we knew the damn drug was a killer. We ate their food and took their "studies" apart. Heck, my pharm D professor told us in basic science classes never to prescribe it.

Comment Re:Nothing new here (Score 0) 314

That was the stupidest post I have ever read. It started out promising but the point of view was exploited and expanded on by other anti-capitalists and isolationists. Soon the poster tried to salvage his personal position by mentioning that Nauru failed by not encouraging a diverse economy--even using popular buzzwords--, but the corruption of arrogance set in and he failed to make anything but vague charges of imperialist lackey while maintaining his hipper and smarter than everyone attitude; never producing an opinion of his own. Not all commenting is good. In many cases, the commenters suck while using the opinions of others while never actually studying history or economics. Often this attitude benefits only the arrogant and condescending while leaving little room for the average person. Once the issue is gone, the arrogant, clueless and condescending must move on and forget the actual reality: A failed meme.

Comment Jesus fucking Christ.... (Score 0) 329

can Slashdot get off the fucking Palin derangement bandwagon please? WTF does this news have to do with anything but your hate for conservatives? Does this derangement permeate EVERYTHING in our society? How about a brand new post bashing George Bush and Tomcat? Maybe an article explaining how awesome free internet access under Chavez is? I thought it was news that matters....fucking childish idiots.....

Comment asshole (Score -1) 371

What kind of infant are you? You think I want an asshole like you running my internet access? A lefty robot? Government access....offering a PBS portal ala AOL? With "Government terms of service"? Tax authority and "personal online ID" as already proposed by the FCC? My God your naiveté is incredible. Keep on comparing the Tea Party to ; It gives you a chance to show everyone how brilliant you are.

Comment Re:"Death Panels" (Score 0) 2166

The important thing is to never say anything; Just in case a crazy person commits an evil act later. The next most important thing is to blame someone you don't like for that crazy person's actions. Finally, one should always appear above all of humanity in your general worldview. After all, everything that happens should be vetted by you first.

Comment Re:ah faux news (Score 0) 338

Despite my severe dislike of Fox News' television programs and editorializing, I find the idea of dismissing them out of hand simply because of who they are to be disturbing.

Unless they're talking about politics. Then....perhaps.

Wait just a minute!!!! I KNEW, just KNEW that somewhere on this board there was someone I disagree with politically that actually is intelligent with critical cognitive skills. Someone who'll stand up and doesn't just follow the adolescent POP wave here. Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity. I'm going to add you to my...wait a minute....I already follow several "anonymous cowards". Which one are you?

Comment Re:Pure Fantasy (Score 0) 191

My broadband works fine and if it didn't I have 3 or 4 alternatives to choose from. My God you people are stupid. I lived in a Country where access is controlled. You pay a connection fee every single time you log on, pay for the time connected and all of your surfing is monitored by the ISP which turns over its logs quarterly to the Government. You should push back from the keyboard once in a while and try living in the real world.

Comment Re: We have to destroy the Net in order to save it (Score 0) 853

I want to know, no, I DEMAND to know when the FCC is going to do something about the /. modding system? Some great comments are buried in the links and higher modded comments sit out in the open like fat corporate advertising. All information must be the same. We need the government to free /.. Mod Neutrality Now!!!!

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