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Comment Re:Common Sense prevailed (Score 3, Interesting) 103

Not for long I'll bet. The only thing we can be sure about is that the crown prosecutor will be a little more careful in selecting scapegoats from now on. The War on Terror is an ongoing exercise in balancing what the executive arm and its organs can get away with and maximising the state of fear created in the public mind.

Comment Re:So the BSA is leading the charge (Score 1, Interesting) 89

It's OK. They'll declare war against botnets, and then implement a bunch of laws to combat them, all of which will result in a further slide into tyranny. Eventually we'll have government agents from the to-be established Department of Home Computer Security come into our homes once a week to inspect all of our computing devices. For our own protection, of course.

Comment Re:"Zarefarid is reportedly no longer in Iran, tho (Score 1) 145

Ok, so then what are your actions? Youre saying that you can use your judgement to justify foreign aggression? If so, then you can't begrudge them the right to fight back. If not, then you're bound to admit the injustice of your own nation's policy.
Your line of reasoning highlights the problem with public perceptions and why they can so easily be manipulated.

Comment Re:"Zarefarid is reportedly no longer in Iran, tho (Score 1) 145

I don't see how simply being a theocracy automatically makes it "better", and death penalty for adultery and stoning may seem grotesque to a Western mind, but to a society that accepts and considers that to be just, well, that's their choice. Having spoken to Iranians, they don't have a problem with either punishment, as they consider those "crimes" to be undermining of the social fabric.

Don't even attempt to claim the moral high ground when it comes to justice as delivered from the state. Modern legal systems are no better (arguably worse) than the systems that went before them. Theyshoot people with no cause, blatantly imprison people for no valid reason and deliberately frames its own people for military ends. Not to mention such famous institutions as Guantanamo and those black op torture programs carried out by the CIA.

But wait, we have democracy I hear you say? If you call the circus that is the two party system "democracy", then I'm a flee on a baboon's arse. There's no meaningful difference between the parties, and on those occasions where they promise to fix the mistakes of the previous administration ("I'll close Guantanamo" said Barak), if the people actually give them the chance to carry out the promise, they simply renege when the time comes.

I think it's time the so-called "Free World" got off its moral high horse and recognised that it is no better than the barbaric hordes it's fighting against. Indeed, when viewed from the Other Side, we're the barbaric hordes.

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