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Comment Re:Ok fine then... (Score 1) 506

i refuse to consent to the law that says i shouldn't kill you. It was made w/o my consent, so it does not apply to me. Also, i want to fuck that girl over there. She 16, i'm 36 and she isn't interested. But since i didn't get a vote on the laws against rape, so they don't apply to me.

You must be twelve. Your consent is not needed. If every law required the consent of those under those laws we'd have anarchy because very few people have the sense to see that laws are the social contract that make civilization possible. To have the right to live, you give up the right kill. That's the deal. The grown up and non-idiots among us set those rules. You're welcome to live in the woods, in prison, on an island or to kill yourself. If you're going to be around other people you gotta take the limitations that come with it. We call them laws.

One of these laws is that you can't drive your car as fast as you please because doing so poses a risk to people who DID NOT CONSENT to having their lives jeopardized by assholes. Their right to get where they are going safely overrides your childish desire to live out your teen fantasies of being a race car driver.

Comment Copyright Infringment != Piracy (Score 1) 318

Calling Copyright Infringement is propaganda... an attempt to make file sharing worse than it really is. Every time one of us calls copyright infringement piracy we are playing into their hands. Language is the operating system of thought. So YES is DOES matter what words we use and how we use them.

Piracy is ship to ship armed robbery, murder and kidnapping. Downloading a CD is NOTHING like that. It's closer to Data Shoplifting. /Descriptivist idiot offering sophomoric "but but but languages change LOOOLlOoaOoLLO1LO!!!11!" in 3... 2... 1....

Comment Re:Bitterness (Score 1) 1799

1. Both parties in Congress have become largely unresponsive, over the past decade at least, to the will of the people.

The people, by an large, don't understand what's wrong, much less how to fix it. Out of the thousands participating in OWS and it's offspring, i bet not a one knows how money is created (out of debt), why it's such a problem (runaway inflation, consolidation of wealth) or how to fix it (Monetary Reform Act).

It's more than most people can fathom, let alone care about. :(

i hope OWS might be the beginning to change that.

Comment Re:!Piracy (Score 1) 360

They should care because those that want us to mislabel copyright infringement as "piracy" are trying to make something relatively innocuous sound sinister (and it makes light what is happening off the Horn of Africa.

Language is the operating system of thought. Corruption of words is corruption of thought. It's propaganda.

Descriptivism is an attempt to excuse and even romanticize laziness and ignorance.

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